Do you know the 50-60% of the process to get you weight under control is the awareness you have on your calories? In this video you will be able to answer these 2 questions... What is calorie? and why having them counted will help me with my weight? Calories is... The amount of energy in an item of food or drink is measured in calories. When we eat and drink more calories than we use up, our bodies store the excess as body fat. If this continues, over time we may put on weight. Undestanding and managing the calories(food) will make the 50-60% of your progress for example: If Danny's intention is to lose wight so then he needs to have a calorie deficit (descrease calories intake) plus increasing how much calories he can burn(exercises) Danny (backgroud) was not always obese and it did not gained over 80lb in one week it took few years of not be aware of how much calories(food) he was eating and when he thought (at 60lb over ) that it couldnt go worse bum 83lb but lucky him n...