IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Eating habits play a vital role in determining people's fitness levels. Junk food is a part of our life and it has direct effects on people's lifestyles and diets . Therefore , I totally agree with this statement and also discuss the negative effects of junk food in the ensuing paragraphs.
Many in the public consider being self-employed more attractive than working for others. There are several reasons for this trend, with the opportunity to receive higher income being a key factor. However, there are also disadvantages, such as financial insecurity and work-life imbalance.
It has been argued by some people that advertising is highly influential in convincing us to purchase goods. Others, on the other hand, believe that advertising has lost its appeal due to frequency. Personally, I hold the opinion that successful commercials are still tremendously affecting our lifestyle and spending. Firstly, this essay is going to discuss how some advertisements can become ineffective when constantly repeated without innovation, and secondly, explain how personalized and targeted advertising can influence the consumer’s buying decisions.
In the contemporary era, several individuals consider running a business instead of working under someone or for a corporation. This essay will discuss the reasons for the aforementioned viewpoint along with some disadvantages.
Nowadays, people assume that the most important aspect of buying products or taking services is the price. This essay displays my opinion in which I oppose the motion.
For the introduction, It is considered that law-making bodies utilise a huge amount of money on science projects. It is recommended by a few folks that they should pay attention towards improving lifestyles on this planet. I partially agree with this notion and I am going to shed light upon my views in subsequent paragraphs.
Ecological diversity is gaining importance day by day since a great number of kinds have been lost throughout history, and there are as many more varieties as those that have disappeared now. Eventually, those losses threaten our lives. However, it does not seem that it is not in a situation which cannot be irreversible. In other words, particularly, There are a bunch of precautions which can be taken either individually or by governments and legislation to prevent it from deteriorating such as using renewable energy sources, reducing the amount of invasive types or habitat restoration.
Part of the population thinks that learning a second language in primary school is a good idea, whereas others do not agree . This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this action.
There is always an argument about whether one can turn over a new leaf once committed a crime. The justice system nowadays is sending criminals to prison in order to make sure our society will be safe. However, others think that sending them to prison wouldn’t change anything, the better solution will be to give them education and appropriate training. I think that both opinions got their benefits and disadvantages but it really depends.
Modern technology has been popular and a fundamental factor to make the success of companies. In my opinion, technology has given a lot of changes to the work produced, and it has been more efficient and more effective, and I also believe that there are no drawbacks when people rely on them.
Undoubtedly, a workforce of several individuals could improvise more skills and knowledge to people, rather than teaching separately. Therefore, it seems to me that partaking in group activities is far more beneficial for overall development and for that ,reason I would have to agree with this prospect.
With the increase in population across the globe, today, it has been observed the living spaces of many people are difficult to be found. The more the population, the lesser houses are available. Through this ,passage I will discuss the residency spaces that occupy the countryside and their effects.
Nowadays, more and more people are going to be inspired by taking risks. It is believed that people should engage in taking risks because it is a way of motivation and the key to progress while others define it as a cause of failure and deprivation. In this essay, I will clarify both sides and mention why its benefits overweigh its drawbacks.
It is true that the question of whether students in high school should criticize or make a complaint as a way of promoting the quantity of education remains a source of controversy in education. From my perspective, I agree with the first idea, and this essay will discuss these two viewpoints in depth.
There is a common belief that it is significant to learn the divergence between correct and incorrect in childhood. I totally agree with this condition and this essay would discuss what are the reasons to agree and which types of punishments should allow to aware of their good behaviour.
The future generation's safety is a vital responsibility in today's time. Nowadays, applying the open availability of certain forbidden resources has raised the concern of our today's kid's fortune at risk. This essay will discuss the probable reasons for imposing a curfew for teenagers in some areas of the US and allowing them to only roam with adult exceptions .
t is said that there is an increasing number of people considering having their first child at an older age. This essay will elaborate on the reasons for this viewpoint and my perspective.
It is widely believed that the ubiquity of advertisements in daily life is becoming more prevalent. Personally, I strongly view this as a negative development. In this essay, I will further support my statement through logical reasoning and factual evidence.
Nowadays, the crime rate has drastically increased, and some people believe that social media platforms and journals are the main reason behind the growth of criminals all around the globe. Moreover, they even suggest that public representatives should enforce laws to restrict the announcement personnel's right to publish. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages and provide an opinion at the end.
It is often argued that these days many peoples prefer to buy a lot of things from online stores, instead of going to Malls for shopping. This essay will discuss the effects of this new kind of shopping on societies, and how it affects people’s jobs.
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