IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Some individuals opine that young students should focus on all high school subjects whereas, others have an opinion that they should practice on selective subjects in which they are best or they feel interested in it. This essay will elaborate on both viewpoints along with my perspective in the upcoming paragraphs.
It goes without saying that not all household wastes are recycled. With regard to this, although some people argue that the only way to increase recycling is that governments make it a rule, I believe making laws is not the only method and it should be complementary to other ways.
It is argued that owning a small amount of high-cost clothes can be more beneficial than purchasing a whole room of cheap clothes. I partially agree with this idea and believe that both approaches have equal value to people.
In recent years, the number of people who opt to establish their own companies has increased. There is the argument that this movement has more advantages than working at other workplaces as an employee. I believe that initiating their own business entails higher levels of risk compared to the potential advantages it may offer.
Our universe has an unlimited collection of colours and their shades. This is what makes it beautiful and catchy. However, certain people prefer specific colours and combinations. Some individuals like lighter shades while others choose brighter shades. In my opinion, this is completely a personal choice and everyone has the right to pick personal favourites.
Some parts of the community think that punishment for crimes should be fixed, while others opposite folks said that discipline should be varied according to the level and circumstance of the crime. There are many unfortunate reasons for most crimes; some unintentionally commit crimes. The judge should give a penalty depending on the circumstances of the crime's intro account. I will discuss my point of view in the following analysis.
Learning about the past has an important role to play in children’s knowledge acquisition process. While I agree that the young should acquire knowledge from local history, knowing what happened in the past worldwide should not be overlooked, which could be beneficial to them as well.
The disadvantage of using motors that is detrimental to our health and environment has been increasingly recognized all over the world. In this essay, it will elaborate on the reasons behind the phenomenon and propose feasible solutions to dilute the repercussions on our society.
Technology has transformed our world in all aspects. While it has brought forward the biggest revolution in the form of the internet, on the other hand, it has provided us with different machines that have made many of our day-to-day tasks easy. However, there is a general perception that it has made people forget about some basic life skills . In the following paragraphs, I would like to shed some light on the bases of such thoughts.
Some say a paper-based exam format is the most efficient way to measure how successful your educational level is. At the same time, others believe that it will not display a proper result, and there are still other possible options. From my point of view, I strongly agree that there are several alternative methods available that can show an individual’s talent.
In today's modern world, many people choose to buy meals in a restaurant than cook in the house. Both of these choices have advantages and disadvantages in taste, price, time, and nutrition. This essay will discuss these views and give a conclusion.
Some individuals believe that the authorities should provide a free smartphone and free access to the Internet to help jobless people gain employment. From my perspective, it seems to me that there are several positive impacts, but from the other viewpoints, it will be negative if they do not use it properly, so this essay will discuss why I tend to both sides.
It is clear that social media has gained popularity all over the world in recent years, especially for communicating and following news and events. Although the trend is not without disadvantages, I believe the upsides can justify these.
Over recent years, transportation networks have played a significant role in our social progress. There is the opinion that governments should prioritise investment in the development of railroads rather than roadways. I completely agree with this viewpoint because convenient railways are in high demand among citizens.
One school of thought holds that modern medicine has achieved many important achievements, whereas others believe that it is not enough to say that we have mastered medication and we need really more. This essay attempts to shed light on both perspectives before concluding that I am in favour of the latter notion.
In the foreseeable future, every means of transportation is going to be steered mechanically. I strongly believe that that circumstance is a positive and beneficial development, considering that the benefits our society will gain are certainly outweighing the drawbacks.
In light of the growing popularity of the Internet, it is true that children nowadays have the ability to study various subjects remotely through online platforms at any given time at home. I totally disagree, and my view will be explained in this essay.
In the present time, some people think that current advertising methods are not completely acceptable, and they blame them for being not ethical. I partially agree with this statement, and in this article, I will discuss my opinions.
Earning a handsome salary has become imperative in this current day and age and it is observed from the past few decades that particular individuals are earning higher than others. some people think that this approach is good for their nation, while, others believe that certain limits on pay rates should be implemented by higher authorities. However, I do believe that a person should be paid according to their profession.
Long-shift hours are common in today's fast-paced world. Working for a long time has both advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages are more comparatively and can not be ignored.
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