IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays a large number of people are moving to big cities and as a result, the population of the countryside declines. I believe that it is a totally negative disadvantage due to unfavourable circumstances that lead to harmful effects on humanity and the environment.
Undoubtedly, technological expectations are considered to be major for development in children. But parents should not allow their kids to watch TV Often. Therefore, I would have to disagree with this aspect about people's belief on television could provide benefits in learning.
The increase reporting about violence via the media has created a perception among society that it has led to a surge in the juvenile crime, but this is not the only factor that has contributed to it. Therefore, in my opinion I partly agree with this statement.
There have been numerous discussions as to whether caring for and revamping ancient property which is overly costly or using the resources on building recent properties. However, I believe that aged structures should be kept for historic purposes and funds should be used for other projects. This essay will be pinpointing the extent to which I agree or disagree with this situation.
It has been witnessed that in Institutions, graduates decide to take a part-time job while studying. In my opinion, it is a positive development because they will get practical exposure and it will teach them the importance of money.
Payment methods are increasing day by day. In the upcoming days, people would love to pay for their purchases using cards or smartphones. I believe that this improvement has positive impacts on our society, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
In this day and age, there are irrefutable debates about the health of meals and drinks. Some folks believe that the government should check the quality of food and stop buying any harmful food in supermarkets. In my opinion, this program is of vital importance to society, and my reasons will be elaborated in the following paragraphs.
Space exploration over the years has become a controversial debate among peers, spawning two radically bold figures: those who oppose it and those who support it. There are strong arguments on both sides of the debate, which we will discuss here.
It is considered that in a well-cultured society, some porting activities like boxing and wrestling which are aggressive in nature are advised to be banned. I disagree with this statement because, in my opinion, such sports uplift strength and help to gain inner peace. In this essay, I will walk through these contrasting examples to prove my point.
We say that human is the smartest mammal as we are creative, in fact back to ages ago, we created wheels and now modern technological advancement such as the internet. Of all the innovations, there are arguments about whether wheels as the start of transportation advancement or whether the internet works as a tool to connect millions of people more important. In my opinion, I will say that the Internet is the most important of these inventions.
There have been many inventions in human history, such as wheels. Some people think the most important thing is the internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The preservation of wild animals has been a topic of debate in recent years. Although it is sometimes thought that it is immoral to keep wild animals in zoos, other people believe that living the animals in zoos is a good option nowadays. In my opinion, I consider that keeping wild animals in zoos is more beneficial for their preservation.
One school of thought holds that each city should be constructed vertically as the best way to create an ideal city, whereas others believe that developing horizontally is a better option. The essay attempts to shed light on both perspectives before concluding that I am in favour of the latter notion.
The discussion of social skills is surely one that begs the question of how exactly youngsters should spend their leisure. In my opinion ,due to the unique personalities of children,supporting a balance between social and personal development will be the most apropos choice.
It has been a subject of discussion whether it is a parent's responsibility in the upbringing of their child to become a good society member or in schooling they can learn best. There are strong arguments on both sides of the debate which I will discuss here.
Artificial intelligence is gradually becoming an integral part of the workforce. While it is true that robots would be able to handle a record number of tasks, it is impossible for them to replace jobs that require close human contact. This essay will discuss why I believe humans cannot be completely replaced by machines in offices.
Technology has taken the world by storm and the internet is the biggest invention of the modern era, undoubtedly. Even the classrooms are now enjoying the usage and benefits of it. However, a lot of people believe that this mode of learning is not as useful as traditional teaching . Analysing the fact that it is incapable of coping with the individual needs of students and disciplining the classrooms will prove this.
In today's era, most people prefer to use alternative medicines and treatments instead of consulting their regular doctors. It could be due to the widespread knowledge which is available through the Internet although, I believe it has more negative impacts than positive ones because it could lead to severe health problems if any mistakes are made.
There is ongoing debate that whether or not economic expansion is beneficial. While some individuals believe that it is necessary to incline the number of employments in the countries to eliminate poverty, I could side with others who contend that development in the economy results in demolishing nature by uprooting the trees to build new buildings which ultimately affects nature's ecosystem.
Nowadays, some foods and beverages which contain carbohydrates should be controlled to maintain a healthy life. There are many opinions that the government should take more attention to, while others view that it depends on how each person should mitigate their risks. I will explain in this essay with both views and reasonable arguments.
Some people believe that obtaining a university degree is the best way to achieve success in life, whereas others argue that it is not necessary to graduate from a university to be successful. In this essay, I will present both perspectives and provide my own viewpoint.
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