IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In this contemporary era, the trend of shopping online become prevailing at an alarming pace across the world. However, it put a significant bad effect on the environment as well as the majority of individuals are losing their work opportunities due to this updated trend. This essay will discuss the reasons why is this going to happen in the upcoming paragraphs.
In this contemporary era, the concept of recycling is an ongoing debate among people. Some believe that the quantity of household recycling is not adequate as it should be, and it demands legal enforcement. In my opinion, although imposing legal requirements may bring about some positive outcomes in a short time, raising the masses’ awareness about this important issue regarding its various aspects, is way more effective.
In the contemporary era, it is believed that gaining knowledge not only about a nation but also about its customs is necessary, prior to learning any foreign language. I agree with this notion to a large extent and my viewpoints will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
In modern society , some individuals opine that keeping their own earnings and avoiding taxation is a method to gain social justice. I disagree this viewpoint, as for me, taxation is essential for the prosperity of each country and social progress.
The debate surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) to replace teachers in the classroom has been a topic of considerable interest and concern. While AI has shown remarkable capabilities in various fields, including education, I firmly believe that it cannot fully replace teachers. In this essay, we will explore the role of AI in education and discuss alternatives to traditional face-to-face teaching.
In light of a lack of speakers, a number of languages are on the verge of extinction. The following essay will go through both viewpoints, but I believe that this might be a good strategy for preserving language diversity.
Nowadays, the question of whether the precedence of commerce is making a profit or having a responsibility to society becomes an issue which bears a number of considerations. Some people supposed that it is crucial for employment to gain a benefit, and they ought not to be responsible for society. I totally disagree with this opinion.
Businesses put a high priority on generating profits ,however, they do not care about public responsibilities. I completely disagree with that statement. Companies should do more for a nation than simply make money.
The rapid advancement in technologies in the modern world expands possibilities to improve qualities of lifes on Earth in future. While some people support that financial investments in space exploration should be made by governments, I generally disagree with this idea for the following reasons.
Distinguishment Between good and bad is an essential lesson which should be learned at an early stage of children's life, so according to some, punishment is vital to teach children this valuable lesson. In my opinion, I agree that punishment is so important for the development of a child's conscience at a young age as it will shape their personality in the best way and withdrawal of their privileges would be an appropriate punishment for entailing this important behaviour.
In today's high-pressure working environment, it is more essential than ever to have the abilities required to get and keep a high-quality job. If educators can provide this to graduates before they enter the workplace, this will help them enjoy a more satisfying career. Therefore, in my view, school education needs to teach not only academic subjects but also social and career experiences.
In this contemporary era it is true to sharing information like business-related, data in the field of science and academics is much beneficial and plays a crucial role in one's life. While others believe that it is such information is too important to share freely. In my ,opinion it completely depends upon the type of information. this essay will discuss both of these views.
No one can deny the fact that food, shelter and clothes are basic necessities of every human being. As everyone cannot afford to buy a house on their is often said that authorities should have to provide free housing. I partially agree with the given notion. This essay will cover the benefits and drawbacks of providing free accommodation to the community.
It is an issue of hot debate whether captivity is a great way to punish the offenders or use other ways to sentence the criminals. In my opinion, prison is a very effective method to deal with offenders.
In this world full of technology, we can easily find a community using social media everywhere. In regards to this trend, the majority of the public insists that this gives bad influences on citizens and nations. In my opinion, I personally stand against those people's ideas. In this essay, I would like to shed light on some positive and negative impacts of the social networking service and support my opinion.
Growing demand for new products in modern society poses intensive pressure on businesses in advertisement to attract the huge attention of the public. There are a number of factors that contribute to this trend. I believe that this is generally a negative development for the following reasons.
It is undeniable that pollution has affected people's life significantly, so according to some, the best approach that the traffic and pollution issues would be solved is to rise the price of fuels, especially petrol. In my opinion, I agree that the price of petrol ought to be increased as it will greatly benefit the environment and there are various measures that could be implemented that would have a huge effect on this problem, including cleaner fuels.
Among particular societies, numerous people have been keen on investigating the history of their accommodation. The aims of this essay are to discuss the reasons why they are interested in this issue and how they investigate them.
Nowadays, there are various choices to punish criminals. Some of them believe that several programs or punishments should be taken for this problem. This essay provides my personal opinion on whether I agree or disagree with this dilemma.
Most youngsters opine that guiding through the Internet is a better career option, whereas, others stick to the thought that it has a lot of disadvantages. This essay will elaborate on both viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs.
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