IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is quite common these days for the majority of employees to work from home instead of travelling to a workplace every day. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
The early age is the appropriate time when a person can build his mind and work as like as he wants. It is the right moment to receive any hard task that is relevant to life. In many communities, Guardians tell their children that they can obtain success if they effort regularly. In my opinion, It is a positive side and has distinct sorts of advantages rather than disadvantages.
The utilization of uniforms is abundant in schools, yet some organizations seem to be adapting this for their workers. In these workplaces, employees are mandated to wear uniforms throughout their work. This essay will delve into both the advantages and disadvantages of this policy.
Many parts of the world have developed rapidly in the twentieth century by connecting with other parts of the globe through advancements in technology and communication systems. Although there are several advantages of connection between other countries, drawbacks and negative consequences cannot be overlooked. In the forthcoming article, I shall elucidate my stance on this matter before reaching a final verdict.
Some people believe the food production that takes place in foreign countries can benefit the spread of the national culture, such as omakase in Japan; however, the main reason why many people do not agree with this is international edibles cost amount of budgets. From my point of view, I think the advantages outweigh the drawbacks because when the culture spreads, it will raise foreign tourism.
Nowadays lots of students intend to work when they are at school before they prepare to start university life. To some extent, I think there are many advantages for those who get a task at this stage, and I want to discuss both sides of this point.
Globalization is unquestionably one of the most prevalent and worrying aspects in any society. Of course, it is noticeable that this controversial topic of debate has both advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, in this ,essay I will discuss both sides of this upcoming trend.
In the world , each country has its own dress and costumes. People think that traditional clothes are important for remembering our past ,actually that is true costumes are one part of doing this but not the most important, as we shall see.
With constant development in urban areas, our disposable spaces in the city limit are gradually becoming insufficient, for further construction, some obsolete buildings suggested to be destroyed. While knocking down buildings might lead to traffic jams and ruin the historical heritage, I still believe such disadvantages are outweighed by the advantages.
In some places around the world, youngsters are supported to find some knowledges and experiences such as working or travelling after they graduate from high school. This assay will provide both advantages and disadvantages of this statement and give some reasons of the options.
There is a growing trend towards taking a gap year prior to entering tertiary education among school leavers in certain parts of the world. But it is true that practice does not have its own advantages, I would argue that the benefits of going to effort or travelling before one embarks on college far outweigh these disadvantages.
In some nations,children are told that if they try hard ,they can achieve whatever they want in their life and there is no limitation to their desires.
Advances in technology and the internet as a whole have revolutionized the way we store knowledge, with most people preferring the internet as a storage of knowledge to books. While this development has brought about many benefits being cost-effective as well as time-saving, I argue that the drawbacks, such as the spread of unauthentic content and distractions are far greater.
It is realized that over half a century, there has been a remarkable impact from the utilization of nuclear technology, depending on how this technology is used. Therefore, there are advantages and disadvantages to the use of nuclear technology, in terms of benefits it can be used for medical purposes and as a drawback, it can be used as a deadly weapon for mass destruction which can affect the planet's well-being. This essay will explain the costs and benefits related to the use of nuclear technology.
These days, around the world, individuals are becoming vegan and vegetarian because of the easy availability of veg foods. Apart from this, in today's world, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the human body can easily be found in vegetarian found like proteins and calcium, so people don't have to rely on non-vegetarian food. Also, in a study conducted by the American Association, it was found that people with a vegetarian diet live longer and healthier lives than those who take a non-vegetarian diet.
Nowadays, individuals encourage hosting an international sporting event because it has a significant impact on a nation. In my opinion, the advantages are more than the disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of this issue.
The question of when to introduce foreign language learning to students, whether in primary school or secondary school, has sparked ongoing discussions among educators, parents, and experts alike. This debate revolves around the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with each approach. While some argue that starting language education early in primary academy capitalizes on children's natural language absorption abilities, others contend that the resources and focused learning environment of secondary faculty might yield more comprehensive results. In this essay, we will examine the pros and cons of both options to determine whether the benefits of early exposure to a foreign style outweigh the drawbacks, or if a later introduction provides more substantial gains in language acquisition and cultural understanding.
It is true that married couples choosing not to have children has become prevalent in modern society. In this essay, I will outline the positive and negative effects of this trend.
There is no denying the fact that the phenomenon of tourism is important all over the globe. One school of thought opine that this process has a number of benefits, however couple of problems also occur because of the same. Although this has a plethora of merits numerous demerits are also there which will be elaborated in the upcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays, a considerable number of nations invest their money in space expeditions. This certainly can be advantageous as it helps the world to predict the climate correctly and reduce the rate of unemployment, but there will also be some drawbacks that should be considered.
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