IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Educational funds has gained significant attention in recent times due to its positive and negative impact on society. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the given scholarship to pupils for educational purposes.
An upsurge call for fuel has drastically increased in recent decades. Thus, a demand for new energy locations has consequently become an essential need. Although seeking oil has a profound impact on life standards, havoc effects can't be ignored, and they far outweigh the beneficial aspects.
It is believed that nowadays, the frequency of travelling for several people has increased. In this particular essay, why this phenomenon happens will be discussed, followed by the advantages of travelling itself for the traveller.
The number of young individuals is growing considerably over the last few years. In some countries, their population had surpassed the number of older generations. In my opinion, the potential benefits of this phenomenon are not ignorable.
As the world population keeps increasing, demand for vehicles is also increasing at the same time human transportation causing severe air pollution, emitting carbon-monoxide causing damage to the ozone layer hence it is a good start by the government to stop the sale of petrol and diesel cars and support to use the electrical vehicles which are eco-friendly, causing no harm to our environment.
Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevalent and worrying issues in any society. Of course, it is crucial to punish offenders in order to prevent other crimes, however, people vary in their opinion on how to deal with this problem in the right way.
With globalisation, English is becoming widely spoken in most nations. While some people believe, If this trend continues to grow worldwide, it will be the only dialect used to communicate by the world's population. Even though a single language will make the interaction between territories and people efficient but this will cause serious drawbacks to the evolution of human history and culture.
There are a number of inhabitants who prefer sending text messages to having a talk on the mobile phone in the present. From my perspective, despite having some drawbacks, text messages are still far more useful than talking on the phone.
In the last few years, a growing number of people prefer to read e-books instead of printed books. In my opinion, there are more advantages to reading e-books as compared to paper books, for example, digital books are more convenient as well as eco-friendly in comparison to published books.
Nowadays most people choose to rent a house rather than buy their own. This is mainly because it is cheap and convenient. However, renting a home has some cons, such as insufficient space and bossy landlords. This essay will elaborate further on this aspect.
Due to the population ,growth some think that genetically modified food should be produced increasingly. While there are advantages to implementing this approach , there are also disadvantages that should be taken into account.
It is true that in some cultures adults tell children that if they work hard for their ambition, they will probably achieve what they try for. This message has several benefits and drawbacks that will be discussed in this essay.
In this modern era, the advancement in recent technology has changed the way of working for an office-going ,employee. However, the increasing trend of working from home has more merits as compared to working from the office.
Is it not a gruesome reality that a man needs three basic things for survival and that is food, clothes and shelter? However, due to modernization, the categories of living have been classified into different forms such as houses, apartments and condominiums. Certainly, I do believe that living in a home has more pros than living in a crustal building.
Citizens in some cities are encouraged to use public transportation like buses,taxis,and metro on days when private transportation is prevented. I completely agree that the advantages to have vehicle-free days outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays, people are choosing to have small families instead of large family and that trend has increased over time. Therefore, having a small family gives you some benefits such as finances and being able to look after more equal your children. On the other hand , there are some drawbacks of these small families which children will develop fewer social skills than their siblings and they can be quite self-centred in the future. In my opinion, parents should have small families due is the easiest to look after their children and they can get the attention they deserve.
It is thought by many individuals that for reducing the crime rate it is better to have a determined law for all types of crimes. While there might be some potential benefits to doing this, my own view is that we would lose more than we gain.
More and more people are eating out in restaurants and consuming ready-to-eat food. The benefits of this are that individuals can save time and effort. However, this trend could also cause health hazards, and foods served in restaurants or ingredients used in convenience foods are usually of low quality.
The expenses of exploring space are extremely high for taxpayers each year. While spending money on space exploration have some advantages, there are also several disadvantages.
It is quite common nowadays to have various individuals from different groups of age working at the same place. While there are some disadvantages to this situation, the advantages outweigh them.
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