IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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During the previous century, the world has witnessed ample revolutions, especially, since it has improvised relations among various nations with new inventions in the modes of travelling and communication. In this, essay I would like to shed light on the pros and cons of these variations.
It is believed by some experts that to start learning a foreign language is better for children studying at elementary school rather than at secondary school. Although there are some drawbacks to learning a foreign language at an earlier age, I believe that the benefits are far greater.
Hard effort is one of the important factors in achieving anything, in some cultures they push their young generation and encourage them to do it. I believe there are many advantages, but I see some disadvantages for younger people to push to their achievement. Several issues about mental health may be one of the reasons.
The population of freelancers are increasing rapidly in recent years. More individuals are preferring to join them rather than be employees. This essay will discuss some main reasons, as well as the drawbacks of this growing trend.
Increasing E-books have two sides advantages as well as disadvantages. It can benefit the environment but it affects even people's health too. Both have equal advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages sides are described below.
Education is the backbone of our society. Although, we are used to studying books and other materials like exams and assignments, nowadays, schools are adopting different methods of providing education. The upcoming paragraphs will discuss the advantages and disadvantages with examples of the same.
Nowadays, we can see how many beauty spots are spoiled due ever-growing and increasing population. These places used to be clean spaces with marvellous landscapes where people did sightseeing but now they are crowded of humans and the majority of the cases pollution is high.
The internet and social networking sites have influenced our lives in many ways. And due to the recent pandemic, our lives are more dependent on the internet. Nowadays, many businesses opt out to host their conferences and programs online. In this essay, I will support my opinion on why online meetings and training are advantageous.
In this era, there is a lot of people preferably to become freelance instead of become an employee for specific enterprises. It can not be denied since becoming self-employed give them an advantage rather than becoming a company employee. However, it can be believed that every case has a negative and positive impact. Therefore, in this , essay we will discuss the disadvantages of being an independent worker.
Decades ago, the majority of people had been working as employees, while in recent years more people have tried to be independent and worked for themselves. This is might be caused by the people conscious about their lives and work conditions in particular. Though to be self-employed has some disadvantages because it can lead to unstable payments and the absence of any social benefits which people usually have working for a company or organization.
The productivity of a country is one of the most important factors to maintain a good economic status. However, with the advent of the liberalization of the market, the price of products changes a lot depending on the worldwide economy. For this reason, somebody believes that closing borders between countries could help to improve local production. In this essay, I will explain which are the advantages and disadvantages of this tendency and I will propose an alternative way of solving the problem.
The issue of ‘studying’ or ‘working’ after secondary faculty has become a strongly debated topic. There are facts, that young folk more often go to work than start an academy instead. Despite the fact, that earning money and having a job is a good thing, studying further has also some benefits in the long term. In my essay, I will discuss both sides, while I am going to share my clear opinion about the advantages of attending high faculty.
In order to popularize further study levels to all walks of life, learning services in many countries around the world are free of charge for every student which contributed hugely to the potential future of that country, however, this project might seem to lack of benefits for people in the education field. This essay will discuss both sides of free college education.
In recent years, the increasing accessibility and affordability of fast food have led to its widespread consumption in many countries. While the convenience and economic benefits of fast food cannot be denied, it is crucial to consider that the potential disadvantages can overshadow the advantages. This piece will explain the negative factors of fast food’s rapid growth that potentially eclipse its benefit, particularly in terms of health and the environment.
In today's era, contrary to the past, there is irrefutable civil debate about the necessity of fossil fuels. While there are many disruptive effects besides some benefits (such as the need for the space program), it is almost wiped out in the future. In my opinion, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In this post, I will examine these two aspects in the next paragraphs.
There have been numerous arguments as regards the impact of recent technology like private computers and the use of the web in making it easier for a large population of the populace to do their jobs. The thought of personnel working from their personal space could create two different outcomes for a company. The positive standpoint sells the belief of the crew having to do work from their abode which bothers on the fact that it's conducive and helps to reduce expenditure. Coincidentally, the belief can degenerate to the workforce being complacent in doing the job for which he or she has solely been employed to do.
There is a common belief that nowadays reading e-books has become popular.Many people consider it a positive development while others do not.This essay will delineate its positive and negative aspects.
It is a common belief that many people like to read e-books, nevertheless, some people think that rad paper books have a huge effect on reading. This essay will delineate its advantages and disadvantages aspects.
The advancements in technology have revolutionized the lifestyle of mankind. A few great examples of such technological advances are computers and the internet, which not only provide convenience but also enable individuals to perform certain tasks from the comfort of their homes. While it has many advantages as mentioned but like any other phenomenon, it also has some drawbacks which is impacting a person's overall well-being. In the upcoming paragraphs, we will discuss both pros and cons of the impact of current technologies which will lead to a logical conclusion.
Students nowadays are frequently evaluated through paper-based exams more than regular assignments in the classroom. It is believed that there are multiple pros and cons of having this approach to assess students.
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