IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, people tend to have one child or 2 children, In other words, they like to have a small family instead of a big family. This essay will note the reason for this comment.
Although most individuals were employed by small businesses in the past, more people prefer to work for huge businesses. This essay intends to discuss the negative and positive sides of working for large companies.
It is considered that in fewer nations more and more international voyage is becoming affordable and more states of the world are welcoming a large number of visitors in their country. This essay will examine the disadvantages and advantages of welcoming international tourists and provide a logical conclusion.
Home is the first school for children from where they learn how to behave. Today parents let their kids have access to all materilistic things and permit them to do anything that they enjoy. This essay will discuss it is not how a kid should be parented and will elaborate negative results it will have as they get older.
Nowadays, as the world changing briskly and people's needs getting complicated , It seems that producing all the essentials isn't easy. So that is where import and export come in. However, I believe that this situation easily can influence economics by a large number of transporting goods from long distances.
Many people believe that using CCTVs to monitor city streets has many benefits because it has been shown to reduce crimes, whereas many large cities have had mixed results after using these devices. Therefore, it is clear that people may have diverse ideas about this issue.
Nowadays, people have the mindset that working longer hours translates to having a higher chance at a raise or a promotion and hence struggle much more than the required time. This situation has more disastrous effects than one can see on the surface.
Students used to take a university degree at the domestic level but, according to the current trends, If they gain a degree from an international university, they can achieve great opportunities. This essay will describe both the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
While attending a university, plenty of students enjoy the welfare of study teams. In a well-managed study group, students rapidly improve themselves as they discuss and grasp the crucial points of the lectures by comparing their notes. Focusing on the same topic with your team contributes to a successful academic career. This essay will analyze certain benefits of team spirit since I reckon that the pros of studying in a group of people outweigh the cons
In recent times, some countries have had more adults who are relatively young than the amount of elderly. In this essay, I will discuss that the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages.
As the proverb goes: “Every coin has its two sides” and working from home is no exception. Thanks to the development of technology, the number of people working from home increased rapidly in recent years. Consequently, the benefits and drawbacks of this phenomenon will be stated as follows.
Nowadays,physical activities are an integral part of human life.Although some believe that exercising has crucial benefits , its risks should be taken into consideration.Both sports' advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the following.
people devote most of their time to working long hours thus leaving very little time for leisure activities. This situation has both pros and cons linked to it but I think it has more disadvantages than the advantages. This essay will discuss why it is so in the following paragraphs.
Online shopping has become a common trend, these days, people prefer to buy the majority of goods using such services . In this, I would like to shed light on the pros and cons of the trend in the upcoming paragraphs.
There is a growing trend of replacing books , assignments and exams with tablets and computers in school.The main advantage of this provision is the convenience involved in the teacher-learning process. However, the loss of creativity and imagination skills of students can be identified as the main disadvantage.
It is undeniable that in contemporary times, a larger portion of the population has easy access to international travel compared to previous generations. While this accessibility brings numerous advantages, it also presents some drawbacks for society. In the subsequent paragraphs, I will elaborate on the reasons supporting my viewpoint.
It is quite common these days that the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. It is my belief that the positive effects of this innovation outweigh its disadvantages
People argue that International student exchange will bring benefits for the students, while others say that the negative impacts will outweigh the benefits. Personally, I believe that the advantages are clear rather than the disadvantages because it will develop confidence and respect among the students.
These days, the consumption of energy sources such as oil and gas is growing. Following that, people should look for additional sources from the untouched natural lands. While some people agree with this opinion, there are opposite opinions that we should not develop the unknown lands. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages.
Social media are becoming increasingly popular. The use of these applications is replacing face-to-face interaction for several people in everyday life. This essay will discuss in detail why the advantages of social media outweigh its disadvantages.
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