IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, study abroad is becoming increasingly popular. For many, especially young adults, the chance to spend some time overseas looks very attractive. However, there are both cons and pros to deciding to do this. This essay will discuss some reasons why studying abroad is so popular and possible challenges to overcome.
In recent years, social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and interact. While it offers numerous benefits, there are also drawbacks associated with its pervasive usage. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of social media on society, considering its impact on communication, information dissemination, and social relationships.
It is quite common these day that contact between many different places in the world has developed rapidly by air travel and telecommunications. It is my belief that the positive effect of this innovation could certainly offset its disadvantages.
It is undeniable that there has been great advancement in the usage of robots and machines which has brought ease in our lives. Although this expansion has some repercussions, I believe that the advantages certainly outweigh them.
In today's digital age, the prevalence of online shopping has soared, with more and more individuals opting for the convenience and accessibility it offers. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping for both consumers and businesses.
In many countries, a growing number of young people are opting for work-based training rather than continuing their studies at university. I firmly believe that choosing work-based training offers young individuals more valuable experiences compared to pursuing higher education, and this advantage far outweighs any potential disadvantages.
Some scholars tend to take a period of one year after graduating high school for various purposes such as working or traveling, although this might be considered a wasted time, this is not always the case. In this essay, I will elaborate on the pros and cons of taking a gap year after graduating high school with relevant examples.
In some countries, the population of young generation surpass the senior citizens. There is an ongoing debate on the positive and negative sides of this topic. From my perspective, the advantages exceed the disadvantages.
Nowadays, many people are moving abroad to study or work there for a certain period. Those believe that although many advantages are provided, there are also some drawbacks affect following. This essay will explore more about it pros and cons of people living and studying abroad.
Online meetings and interactions have supplanted interpersonal communication among the staff in a working environment. While there are a number of disadvantages to holding meetings online such as the lack of interpersonal bonds between coworkers, I would argue that the benefits of using online communication outweigh the costs since it could be a positive development towards the convenience of employees as well as being advantageous for the environment.
In most developed and developing countries, the progressive tax rule is in place. They believe that taxes are necessary for keeping a country safe and more organized so that wealthy communities or those with higher salaries are more responsible for helping others by paying more. In other words, they indirectly help their compatriots. For example, public schools are free for all people in society, but the expenses should be paid by the government. Therefore, to improve the education system, more funds are needed for hiring higher-degree teachers and improving facilities. This money is primarily earned through taxes.
With ongoing development all around the globe, developing nations have started to focus on improving corporate sectors with the help of multinational companies. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of the improved industrial sector.
It is widely accepted that the English language is an integral part of our lives and its utility is on the rise. Some people believe that having one spoken language globally could not be beneficial for mankind, whereas others maintain the view that only the most usable language should keep preserved throughout the world. From my perspective, this issue is controversial and both positive and negative aspects need to be considered.
Although maternity leave is thought by some people to be beneficial for the physical and mental health of mothers, others think that it can be detrimental. In my opinion, I consider that maternity leave can bring about more advantages to women compared to any downsides it might bring.
In a sophisticated technological era, education has experienced profound changes concerning traditional learning methods. However, this development has not only brought positives such as accessibility to info but also harmful to the health of pupils
There are split opinions regarding handwriting skills. some people believe that improving the skill of students in school has a lot of advantages, whereas another group of thinkers support typing over handwriting. However, both have their own pros and cons. Therefore, before commenting on my decision, both opinions would be discussed.
Since governments made advances in the travel systems a few decades back, which enhances the cosmopolitan environment, people have to rely on many online language translation apps for comprehension. However, the increase in the use of these platforms is believed to override its disadvantages considered in many contexts.
Nowadays, television is very popular all over the world. It is often argued whether it has negative or positive impacts especially when it comes to children watching TV. In this essay, I will discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of watching TV for kids and provide my opinion at the end.
Nowadays, the ways of living are different in various countries, it is a dept that culture has changed in this location. One of these affections of culture, is told that children and people who work hard and try too much would be successful as as they did. These words might play negative or significant positive roles in children's life, since I will argue about this topic whether this plan is good or not and explain my opinion on it.
Technology has taken the current world by storm. Every aspect of human life has been revolutionised today and work from home is one of its examples. The last pandemic sharply increased the usage of this facility and there are definitely a lot of both, merits and demerits associated with it. We will discuss them in detail below and eventually, i will be sharing my opinion.
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