IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, the ways of living are different in various countries, it is a dept that culture has changed in this location. One of these affections of culture, is told that children and people who work hard and try too much would be successful as as they did. These words might play negative or significant positive roles in children's life, since I will argue about this topic whether this plan is good or not and explain my opinion on it.
Technology has taken the current world by storm. Every aspect of human life has been revolutionised today and work from home is one of its examples. The last pandemic sharply increased the usage of this facility and there are definitely a lot of both, merits and demerits associated with it. We will discuss them in detail below and eventually, i will be sharing my opinion.
In academic life, it is always increasingly encouraged to behave as a positive role model in order to portray an admirable and amiable figure within the school campus. This movement allows students to enjoy their best learning experiences as well as accumulate multiple vital knowledge to develop their personal growth. This report will indicate all of the reasons to analyze the necessity of being a positive role model at school.
With the advent of technology more and more scions have access to computers, and kill time by playing online video games. In this essay, I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of this trend for them respectively as well as providing a logical conclusion.
In today's modern era, the integration of cell phones into daily life has witnessed a significant rise. While mobile phones offer numerous benefits that enhance convenience, several concerns associated with their usage can harm human health and well-being. However, despite these drawbacks, imagining a life with cell phones is easier. In this essay, I will go into detail about this development's advantages and disadvantages.
Urbanization has been accelerating in the past few decades, with increasing numbers of populations migrating from the countryside to the urban areas. However, this trend causes a series of problems that can not be ignored.
Being an elder sibling means that a person has younger sisters or brothers. There are extremely number of people who are elder siblings. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being an elder sibling.
It is argued that getting involved in an adventure activity in either their profession or their personal lives would be considered to be meaningful and proud behaviour. While I understand that everyone has a passion for taking risks, I do believe that the practice has more drawbacks than its benefits.
These days, many people tend to change other jobs to get a better career in the future, therefore they make a decision to study a new major in school. This essay will look at both of benefits and drawbacks of this trend to individuals and society.
The need to access to easily and quickly information has become essential nowadays. People have begun to read more and more news online, replacing traditional channels. Nevertheless, whether the trend of consuming online information would be advantageous or disadvantageous has been widely discussed. I absolutely believe that this change will be more advantageous.
In this modern era, the world become widened.So, Students have many opportunities to study in their home country or in foreign countries but there are some pros and cons to this matter.Which are written in the following paragraphs.
A growing number of students place a premium on pursuing their higher education abroad. Although attending foreign universities than their own countries has many benefits, the drawbacks involved are important to be discussed.
Nowadays, technology has gradually caught on all over the world, and this popularity has a huge effect on kids' leisure activities. In this essay, I will discuss are cons and pons of developing in the technological industry for children spending their free time. In my opinion, beneficial sides are less than harmful effects on teenagers' emotions and loving themselves.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is the future of qualified students. It is undeniable that after finishing university returning to your motherland is a sign of patriotism. However, there is no absolute agreement as some people find working abroad beneficial, while others consider that consider everything associated with leaving your homeland negative.Surely, they both have pros and cons of studying and working in other countries, but believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards conducting business meetings and training sessions online. This trend has been fueled by advancements in technology and the increasing need for remote collaboration. While there are several advantages to this mode of communication, there are also some notable disadvantages to consider.
Recently the issue has been brought into focus on the majority of individuals who prefer to run their own business than to be employed by certain corporations. Although everyone believes that being an entrepreneur would hold a golden opportunity to become a millionaire rather than having nine to five jobs, I wonder whether the argument bears much analysis. However, I firmly hold the opinion that setting up a business could earn a living independently, though bearing much more pressure than living as an employee.
Moveable gadgets such as robots are very common nowadays and it is being replaced humans on workstations and many more working areas. This essay will elaborate on the merits and demerits of robotic systems.
In recent years, purchasing items online increased and became a popular way of shopping. From my perspective, the advantages of online shopping outweigh the drawbacks.
There is no doubt that these days several of families teach their children how they can get achieve anything in their life. The question is, what are the pons and cons of hard work for children to achieve what they wish for? I am going to discuss this topic and give my point of view.
Technology has modified almost every part of human life and reading is one of them. Years back, people who love reading, used to sit in libraries for hours, to enjoy it. In today's world, every book is available in your room because of the Internet facility. However, it has both pros and cons. Though it is cheaper and easy to read books in the comfort of your own home, yet , it is not always the preferred method by many.
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