IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this contemporary era, the trend of shopping online growing at an alarming rate. The majority of brand firms are providing online services for the comfort of shoppers. I believe that the advantages of purchasing something online are more than its drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss its advantages and disadvantages in the upcoming paragraphs.
In this modern era, without doing higher education in universities people are not able to get well-paid jobs. Studying in tertiaries has both positive and negative sides. This essay will discuss both pros and cons in the subsequent paragraphs.
It has always been argued that these days, the majority of people migrate to another place without their peers and parents for jobs. In my opinion, the advantages of this nation are more as compared to its disadvantages and this essay shall shed light upon my perspective in the subsequent paragraphs.
Nowadays, Age group problems have become popular. In some areaAlsthe proportion of younger age is larger than the old age.This subject will bring more innovation, development and economic growth to the country . As a result, the merits of this issue overcome the demerits.
Nowadays, a gap year between graduating high school and attending college is increasingly popular among students. Whether this choice can bring benefits for students or not is still under debate. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of this assertion and provide my perspective.
In today's world, language plays an important role in studying and socializing. Therefore, some researchers think that it is important for children to grasp a foreign language at a young age and it will be too late for pupils to learn it in secondary school. Although there are several disadvantages to this opinion, I believe that they are outweighed by several advantages.
In today's world, access to education has become much more widespread and easier than ever before. Despite this, a significant number of adults still cannot read or write,leading to various disadvantages.
There is no doubt that these days children use smartphones almost every aspect of their lives. furthermore, smartphones completely play an important role in children's lives .So some people think that is fairly an awful habit, whereas other believe that it has significant benefits if they use them in a magnificent way. I agree with those who argue that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in many ways. Eventually, in this essay, I am going to make a comparison between the positive side and negative side then I will discuss them and draw my personal conclusions.
Some companies require their workers to wear uniforms at all times. This rule aids in creating a professional work environment and it is more convenient for employees. However, it costs a lot of money and the colours of the clothes are not always suitable for everyone.
In today's world technology is omnipresent and have influenced all parts of our life. This transformation is clearly visible in the education system where the medium of instruction is swiftly moving to the Internet than traditional means. Various factors have contributed to such a sudden transformation along with its impact which I will be explaining in detail below.
Renting a home is generally preferred by many folks in a few nations even though knowing the merits such as affordable for all and easier to shift to a new place owing to jobs. However, there are also demerits of renting a house which include living in a home as a tenant not as an owner and can't make any changes in the rental home.
Nowadays, emerging technologies make it possible for people to do their work anywhere, such as at home, when traveling, or for business purposes. I think, when compared with working from office, there are more benefits, like maintaining employees moods and emotions, than drawbacks, such as being able to communicate with other coworkers and reducing misunderstandings, to working outside the workplace.
Nowadays,most grandchildren do not spend more often with their grandparents.It cannot be denied that as time passes on,children have lots of things to do as their responsibilities.It decreases the time for family, social and hobbies.As a consequence.children are not familiar close enough with their grandparents.
The subject of this essay is whether it is better to live in a big town or not. Some people assert that megapolis is the best place to live, whereas many others argue that living in the countryside has more benefits. So, let's take a look at this issue from different perspectives.
People have a myriad of views on whether the population of countries should be a higher composition of young people instead of aged people in order to have better development. While I accept that some elderly are experienced to give vulnerable skills, never should we overlook the drawback of lacking ability of physical strength, which ruins the future development of the countries.
At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. 

Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?
Computer implications in education have achieved a great deal of public attention in recent years. Although certain individuals believe that using computers for educational purposes can lead to negative impacts, I would personally argue that it may offer broad-based benefits.
In recent decades, shopping online such as booking flights, buying books, and getting some stuff is growing by leaps and bounds, and it has more advantages than going to malls. In my opinion, the pros of this activity outweigh the demerits it has. In this essay, I will articulate the various benefits of buying via the Internet.
Some people believe that various countries around the world are getting more alike in different fields such as fashion, brands and others. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to this matter which will be discussed further in the following paragraphs and as far as I am concerned the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Modern society has accepted TV sets as part and parcel of their daily life. While media is beneficial in terms of delivering to viewers with most up-to-date story, it has a few drawbacks especially when it starts affecting one's relationship with friends and family. This essay will address the issues and benefits of watching television.
The increasing popularity of fast food has allowed people to keep up with the fast pace of modern life by offering them an instantaneous solution to their problems with time. In the following paragraphs, I will be discussing both the benefits and drawbacks of the use of junk food.
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