IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Today, a majority of the population would rather run their own business than work for others. The young people who graduate from high-ranking universities are the largest portion of those who prefer to be freelancers. It might have its own difficulties, but if the impact of hiring experts had been recognised, companies would be more successful today.
Nowadays, online platforms of streaming are becoming popular among certain adults and adolescents. While the majority of people tend to watch entertainment with others, some people feel that it’s common to watch alone. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to watching TV do not outweigh the positives.
It has been pointed out that young children are always encouraged that they are able to reach any goals through hard-working in most parts of the world. Personally, I opine that this situation is beneficial to young individuals’ personally development, while the drawbacks regarding health issues should be considered.
foodstuff consumption has been a controversial topic in the contemporary lifestyle. Specifically, this topic even grows more significantly when it comes to the heir. This essay will explain two main causes for the growing number of youngsters eating junk snacks in many nations as well as two major issues associated with this situation.
Many argue that all kinds of land vehicles will be autonomous, and there is no driver inside these transports. While there are many advantages of this progress, I would argue that these will be outweighed by the negative impacts, regarding technology breaching and its risk of error.
In modern life, the development and growth of convenient food have become an inseparable part of today's life which helps in meeting the fast pace of modern lifestyle. In my perspective, I believe that the cons outweigh the pros.
In today's world, citizens work generally long hours and sometimes they forget to break from many factors. This behaviour affects inevitably health and productivity which make many employees deteriorate in their work quality and organ. I think this situation is disadvantageous because staffs need to save and collect money for medical treatment instead of for entertainment and wealth. This essay will illustrate the effect of lacking leisure time.
Undoubtedly, advanced technology has managed to allow humans to have better relationships all around the world as compared to the past. And it has happened due to breakthroughs in the means of transportation and communications. I believe the advantages of this far more outweigh the drawbacks that it has and the reasons for my opinion are discussed further.
There is no doubt that, in most developing countries, most people working long hours is a usual thing. Although it is good for both country and individual that people spend most of their times by focusing in their jobs, there are pros and cons in this statement.
The development of technology has brought us to a new era where we gradually switch the way we read a book from papers to the digital version. Some people say it is a great movement while others believe that old-fashioned reading is irreplaceable. This essay will explore the pros and cons of both sides and demonstrate why those ideas are valid.
One of the most conspicuous trends in today s world is the colossal upsurge in the number of people who love to have an open-plan office with no screen and no barriers. Here, in this essay, I will discuss both pros and cons of the roofless working place in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays, machinery eases the process of tasks in the work environment to achieve results accurately and efficiently.However,usage of machinery significantly increased from past decades in several industrial sectors,hospitals,police departments,communication industries. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss the feature developments of computers and their benefits for society in a healthy and safe manner.
It is believed that there is an abrupt change in people's lifestyle in almost every domain. Consequently, This has a great influence on the relationships of family in both positive and negative manner. In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of family relationships.
Everyone is familiar with the proverb "Hard work pays", but there should be a limit to the effort one puts in achieving something. Children are taught in some cultures that, they can ace any goal if they try enough. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of providing this message to children, post that my personal opinion will be present.
Advertisement issues are prevalently controversial topics in our current society. They bring a wide range of benefits to audiences while there are also some adverse effects of consumption of advertisement. In the following paragraphs, both pros and cons of these topics will be discussed before the conclusion is reached.
With the advancement of technology,Solar energy is popularly being used in many dwellings throughout the world.There are myriad reasons why several nations have switched to solar energy that I would explicate in the upcoming paragraphs.Although,it has numerous merits yet its demerits cannot be ignored.
Several caretakers send their kids to educational institutes when their children turned seven.On the other hand,others send them to school when they reach four.Firstly,I would like to explicate the merits of going to institute at an early life like 4 and in the latter half,will explore its demerits.
For many years, advancement in technology has seen a lot of people accessing the internet for information. However, is it really worthed to give out personal information to companies running technology? Personally, I believe this has more drawbacks than benefits. Hence, In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of this issue and provide a conclusion.
It is true that the world's population and urbanisation are rising dramatically and the natural beauty spots have been destroyed in most countries. I believe that there are several positive outcomes to protect these areas and this can be tackled with some steps.
Nowadays, we have more opportunities to travel and it's the best way to spend holidays. It's very hard to think about the past time when one person could live a whole life in one country even one city because he couldn't travel out.
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