IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is a matter of common knowledge, that every people's life is eclipses by work since it is the source of their money which provides for their needs in life. But, some parts of society don't have enough time to spend on their pleasure and family,this is the problem of half of the population of the world, which needs to be solved by people themselves and employers.
In recent decades, some individuals think it is preferable that keeping their lives original and averting variation is a foremost way to be comfortable because in this way, less energy and time is required while others suggest modification is positive on every occasion due to better brain function and increased happiness in life. The reasons will be outlined in this essay.
Nowadays , crime rates are increasing day by day , even though criminals are punished for their crimes but they are still involved in such activities . There are a plethora of reasons for this such as ,no working opportunity after coming out from the cells . To decrease such action , the government should take some initiatives ,for instance , making them learn some earning courses during the punishment period so that they don't have to worry about earning for their basic needs.Further this essay will discuss the reasons for such activities and how they can be reduced .
Internet is becoming necessary in all aspects of our lives; we depend on the things that integrate the internet into it, especially the gadget with featured. However, even though for some people, these things will be beneficial to gather people, I believe that social media on a personal gadget like Twitter or Facebook negatively affects younger generations to build personal relationships. Exclusively, they neglect their presence in real life and lack social sensitivity.
Some teenagers prefer watching tv for long hours daily . This essay will discuss two main causes of spending too much time in front of the television including a lack of social life and laziness. This essay will suggest two solutions to these problems including building a social life and hanging out with new people , in addition to doing some physical activities .
Children are treated differently in several countries. In some countries, they treat children with a strict policy, keeping them under certain rules, whereas in some other countries, they are allowed to do things as they wish. Is it necessary to keep children under certain rules?, This essay discusses this view.
In today’s modern world, most people underestimate the value of mental health. As the world becomes more competitive, many give in to peer pressure in order to become successful which often leads to stressful lives. This essay will discuss why today’s generation often feels pressured and stressed, and how they could be encouraged to lead a more balanced lifestyle.
In the world of learning, exams are considered to be beneficial for children and educational systems, in such a scenario traditional forms of exams are considered to evaluate the calibre of pupils. This essay will shed light on the plausible reasons for such development along with some other ways of evaluation in ensuing paragraphs.
In a few nations, an increasing number of people are getting interested to find out the history of the house or apartments they are living in. There are plethoras of ways to get information about buildings such as websites provided by the government. The most significant reason for all the buzz around knowing the back story of the house is due to the keenness and unfortunate incident that has taken place in a few years. In this essay, the reasons and the means for the inspection of the property are mentioned.
There has been a rising trend that people in some nations are curious about the origins of their residential properties. From my perspective, they are eager to look into the family origin as a part of human qualities (curiosity) and there are multiple ways to do this. In this essay, I will discuss some factors that drive a person to do this and recommend some methods that help.
Nowadays the number of automatic vehicles is increasing rapidly causing damaged impact in most of the world's cities. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this phenomenon and then describe the possible effects of the problem.
It is often argued that families do not longer sit together to have their meals. One of the reasons is that, nowadays, individuals are getting addicted to their devices and also losing their patience to wait. These have negative effects on the family and they should be improved. The following paragraphs will highlight the main reasons and their impacts, and some relevant examples.
Some people argue that Personally meeting talk is a much better way than using other types of facilities like letters,email, or phone calls. I totally agree with this point and I will clear the statement in my upcoming essay.
Today, numerous juveniles are moving to different nations for future opportunities. Firstly, I will discuss the reasons why a lot of young people leave their homeland. Secondly, the consequences in the next 3 decades.
There is a tendency that people are more interested in the history of the buildings where they live and this interest has significant reasons to occur. The following essay will try to find out what are those and the way how individuals can research their house's history.
Fresh water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet. Some believe the government should regulate its supply and usage, while others claim it should be unrestricted. This essay will first explore the reason behind governments overseeing the water supply, and second, it will discuss why some people are against strict regulation policies of this natural resource.
Wildlife conservation has become one of the principal worries that mankind desires to address. While some deem that retaining animals in zoos is a cruelly unlawful approach and others are of the opinion that caging natural world creatures in zoos can also add function shelters for recreational and ecological purposes. Although several people support the former idea, I firmly advocate it as true that those animals saved in zoos are referred to as the feasible option to protect them.
The importance of having children at an older age which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this trend has sparked controversy over its potential impact in recent years. In my opinion, the former proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will elaborate on my views for favouring the positive impact and thus, will lead to a logical conclusion.
In many countries, both parents have to cooperate in working due to economic difficulties. The number of working women has been increasingly common all around the world which might have a detrimental effect on parents' and children’s relationships.
In a few ,nations an increasing number of people are getting interested to find out the history of the homes or apartments they are living in. There are plenty of ways to discover these details such as websites provided by the government. The most significant cause for all these investigations is the keenness, to get to know the back story of the place.
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