IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Shortage of exercise in modern life is becoming a pervasive problem for many nations. Although physical activities are beneficial for our well-being, there are still many of us who do not utilise this information in our lives. This essay will explore the reasons for this phenomenon and suggest a few solutions.
These days, juvenile crime is becoming increasingly common in many areas of the world. While several factors contribute to such a sad reality, there are options that governments can consider in order to tackle the problem.
The death penalty is considered an Inhuman act by human rights groups. While some law professionals advocate that law must act strictly in dealing with heinous crimes. Crime is increasing in every country and to prevent it we need some tough measure. Punishment like being hanged to death is supported by many people .Whereas some people think that life imprisonment is an alternative solution to it. Let's discuss both views in detail.
Ethics plays an important role in children's lives. It is believed that it should be taught by teachers while others say that parents should take the responsibility for teaching it to their offspring. In this essay, i will discuss both views and give my opinion in the conclusion
The concept of living together with siblings and parents is now considered an old-fashioned trend. People like to stay away from their relatives and like to live their life on their own terms. But this choice also has its own negative and positive effects.
There are many questions that why individuals would like to have various surgery for cosmetics in the modern world. The impending essay will elaborate on why it is happening and will discuss the pros and cons of this surgery.
Choosing a suitable living place is one important problem that many people face. However, whether they need to change homes is a controversial issue. In my opinion, people should change their addresses when they change jobs in other cities. It is a positive mind.
These days, concern about climate change is becoming one of the most pressing matters in our world. Although there are numerous reasons why this is occurring, there are also many actions that can be taken in order to solve the rising problem.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents are of the belief that mathematics is not a quintessential subject that must be taught at schools, opponents have a diverse view. Thus, I am a staunch believer that mathematics has an indispensable role in any learning process. In this essay, my contention will be further demonstrated.
In this modern era, companies advertise their products to enhance their business. Many people argue that if we see an advertisement of any item then we want to buy that we do not need. Meanwhile, some believe that advertisment give us information about latest hoods that improve our lifestyle. I partially agree with both opinions and the following paragraphs will highlights my opinion with relevant examples.
In the modern era, the alternative source of energy from sunlight has been increasingly used by numerous houses in many countries across the world. In this essay, the reasons why people more and more turn to solar cells will be presented before their pros and cons are reached.
A few individuals have been living not far from their hometown where they were born. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of living hometown and provide a logical conclusion.
Nowadays, a large number of people prefer to live in the places where they were born, rather than in European countries, because it is really beneficial for people to live in areas that are close to them. Also, people cannot live away from their ancestors or relatives. Therefore, in my opinion, this path is more beneficial for people. In this essay I will examian both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
There is no secret that a number of individuals prefer to intervene in their indigenous region. Humans are used to disbursing their chronology by standing on one side. From my point of ,view it is not a perfect way to occupy your whole life in one location, just to have suitable life.
In this modern era, young people spend less time with their family nowadays due to many factors which we will discuss further in the essay. We will discuss the pros and cons of this statement as well
No one can deny that elderly persons spend much more time getting along with others and doing daily physical lessons they will become healthy While nowadays older family are usually alone and don't like to talk to everyone that the effect which makes them unfit and unhappy. There are many reasons such as new generations will be not good behave to elderly and it will be impacted brunt in their mind I will discuss some solutions in the upcoming paragraphs.
It is commonly believed, that younger kids should be availed of quality education by getting them admitted to class-leading schools whereas some people think that self-education is a far better option for children. This essay will highlight both views with some supporting instances along with my opinion.
Lifestyle has changed in modern-day society compared to the past, and it is reported that the amount of time people spend at home has decreased. The possible reasons and effects of this phenomenon will be elaborated on in the following.
It is considered by some countries that individuals are increasingly Keen on knowing about the foer time of their house or building where they are living. In fact, there are different reasons for this. Also, there are various ways to find their question.
Nowadays, scion's topics have been a subject that many people pay attention to a lot, so whether offspring should spend all of their free age with the family rather than have their own's private moment with their friends. In my own view, children should arrange their occasions for their family as well as their outside activities, so we will discuss this controversy apply below.
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