IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is true that nowadays travelling become cheaper ,especially air travel. Flights ticket prices are getting lower. I think it is a negative development for people as well as the government. This essay intends to describe both views in the ensuing paragraphs.
The history of a house or a building can be fascinating, sometimes daunting or even mesmerising at times if we try to delve into it. For some people, learning about the history of the houses, in which they live, is utterly important for various reasons. This essay attempts to outline some of those possible reasons for this and a couple of methods to research this.
Every individual works hard in order to feed their belly with three meals in a day. Unlike past, due to good relations and advanced transportation services between countries to countries, foodstuff items have been exchanged in the form of packages and frozen to cherish friendship bonds. Such behavior of consuming imported foods causes both pros and cons and this, essay it will discuss it.
In recent times, most nations intend to struggle for long hours which increases their anxiety level more than before. There are some reasons for this matter. I hereby would like to give a solution to some of them.
Water bodies like rivers, lake or sea is the base of life and nowadays the most polluted as well. It has been universally acknowledged that the problem of water pollution is escalating at an alarming rate in current scenario. This problem is at a depressing magnitude.There is a plethora of reasons why it can impact nature . In this ,essay further light will be shed on the concern why people are majorly concerned.
Parents always try to provide best education for their offspring in all ways. Many think that schools assist better future for their kids to become socialize while other believes that if children study at home then will gain good skills. In this essay, will discuss both side of views and my opinion in the following paragraphs.
In recent times, children's usage of computer games increase because of development of the technology. Some people believe that playing computer games have adverse consequences in children's well-being while others say it would positively affect children's creativity. In this essay, I will discuss both sides.
Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate or pay attention in school. What could be the reasons for this? What solutions can you suggest?
Some parents think that mathematics at school is unnecessary and should not be taught others parents thinks that it should remain a basic subject whether it is not useful in future.Overview I will go with the people who think it should be taught
Parents always try to provide best education for their offspring in all ways. Many think that the schools assist better future for their kids to become socialize while other believes that if children study at home then they will gain good skills. In this essay, will discuss both side of views and my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, people are inclined to know the history of the zone they live in. In some parts of the world, this curiosity is not restricted to the town or country but also includes their house. In this essay, I am going to give reasons why the history of houses has been searched and how people can accumulate data about it.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people live in other places rather than only one place as before. However, whether living in one place is a controversial question. Because of
With the advantage of technology development these days, It is common for labourers to spend energy to balance between their personal lives and professional lives, but most of them seem to fail to achieve work-life harmony. A high volume of tasks and the promotion of materialism are contributing factors to this tendency. However, it can be tackled by some viable solutions implemented by the government and individuals such as the enactment of laws on working hours and a shrewder financial plan. This essay intends to discuss the possible reasons and also suggests ways to overpower the situation.
Mobile phones, object newly known to humanity, have recently made a new turn. Nowadays, it is not only used for communications; It can also be used to find information, leisure time, and even finish important tasks. As with any other thing in life, it has advantages and disadvantages.
In the recent era, some proponents and I discern the stance that inviting a global event has a plethora of merits, however, some opponents hold a diverse perspective considering that it has more drawbacks.
A rising incidence of vexation and infuriation is progressively witnessed in our modern society. As far as i am concerned, this could be due to a psychological phenomenon exacerbated by wrong parental background as well as setting unrealistic goals in life. However, to be candid, this is a step in the wrong direction and i will explore my reasons as we proceed.
In recent years, the predicament of overworking has become a subject that receives a large amount of attention from around the world. It appears to be common for workers to struggle with separating their work from other aspects of their lives. The aim of this essay is to elucidate the origin of this phenomenon and to offer some practical remedies.
It is generally accepted that healthy eating is positively related to wellness. However, as modern society gets busier, people became less focused on their eating habits. Many react to this problem by taking unnecessary vitamins from pills and it is commonly noted that their solution was unsuccessful. Perhaps we need to go back to the basics of this problem and assess the possible causes and solutions.
In the present situation, the increasing number of people who live in the city has never been more remarkable than now. Urban areas have appealed to numerous individuals for several reasons and as living in those regions became a trend, however, a myriad of problems have arisen as will be mentioned below.
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