IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In the present situation, the increasing number of people who live in the city has never been more remarkable than now. Urban areas have appealed to numerous individuals for several reasons and as living in those regions became a trend, however, a myriad of problems have arisen as will be mentioned below.
There has been a phenomenon that more and more people are moving to big cities to live and work. Some say such a trend brings about a negative result; some have the opposite opinions. I think there are some reasons behind is, and they will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays the modernization of cities attract people from the rural area. In urban ,areas peoples get everything easily accessible. The plethora of reasons to explain this attraction and also a few causes that are happening to this trend also.This essay will articulate the notions in the coming paragraph.
Offspring's leisure time is become a debatable topic, nowadays. Few civilians believe that kids should spend their free time with their family, whereas the rest of the folks think that it is pessimistic or not required to tell them to spend their whole free time with family. in this essay, I will discuss both sides and state that in my opinion, offspring should allocate some time for the family and the rest of the time for other activities such as sports, relaxation, exercise and etcetera.
Work is a necessity in life. Without a proper job, people wouldn't be able to support the bare necessities to subsist. But in our modern society, humans tend to take their work too seriously and resort to putting their personal life aside in order to advance in their careers.
These days, it is a usual trend in the young community to migrate to urban areas for further study or occupation purposes. This kind of migration of young people into the cities has some benefits and some kind of drawbacks. In this ,essay I will discuss related advantages and disadvantages and show my view that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays, people scroll through their social media platforms to understand what is happening in their surroundings. People are inspired by artists, who are willing to spend money on fashionable clothes compare for decades. Let me illustrate my perspectives in the below paragraphs.
Recycling materials, such as plastic bottles, plastic bags and papers are crucial in order to live in a pollution-free society. However, many people around the world do not recycle their waste materials, which then pollute the land. This essay will discuss, why this is happening and what can be done in order to minimize this problem.
These days, people can purchase any kinds of foods from supermarkets with affordable price. This is because our economy is getting more and more globalized and industrialized. So, the owner of supermarkets can import demanded food from other countries in cheeper price compared to locally provided foods. In my opinion, this is positive development for consumers because of two reasons.
Mobile phone technology is a crucial invention in people's history. There is no doubt about its benefits to the economy and social life. Especially, with the improvement of the internet technology influences can be seen more. Despite the advantages, I consider it has some damages.
In the modern era, the management of money is a vital part of every student’s life. In recent times, pupils have no knowledge about how to manage their wages. This essay will discuss reasons and solutions for how students manage their finances.
I totally agree with this statement. In which people get less time to do exercise due to working conditions they are facing in day-to-day activities by the organisations and face problems related to health issues.
Changing jobs during working life seems to be a lot more common these days. Individuals especially those first jobbers tend to find works that might not be quite similar to their old ones in terms of a job description or even their workplace. I will mention two main reasons behind the phenomenon and will discuss why this is rather a positive impact both for them individually and for the public as a whole.
It is aforementioned that in the current days flying to spots that are hard to reach becomes achievable. Nevertheless, this has positive and negative. Both sides will be highlighted in the following lines.
With the advancement of technology, there are abundant sources of energy and people have their own choices to use the energy to make living even better. The most commonly consumed energy was mostly sourced from fossil fuels. However, in some other countries, due to huge concern for the natural environment, people tend to use other sources of energy like solar and wind power and from my point of view, I feel it is a positive development.
Nowadays, obtaining more information and researching about dwelling places is a major trend and huge popularity in communities globally. The main causes are that people are more curious and obtain more information about their living places. By asking older neighbours and also, from the internet they can research more about their building where they live.
One of the people that I am fond of the most that have strong influences on not only his fans but also ones who love music is no one else than Harry Styles. This essay is going to present why I like him but no one else as well as a few words about his background and achievements.
It is widely supported that public transportation should be free to use for citizens in urban areas. Although there are some upsides to this idea, some downsides can not be avoided.
Some people are in favour of living in the house, while remaining favour living in an apartment. According to me living in a house is more advantageous than in an Apartment. One of the main reasons is privacy and second is the freedom. I will elaborate on it below.
Embraced by more and more people for their numerous benefits, undeniably, digital publications will replace conventional ones in upcoming years and become an indispensable part of our daily life. However, some believe that online reading would cost us nothing, while others assume that nothing is free. This article will discuss both arguments of whether online books and newspapers can replace their successors and whether they might cost us nothing at all or not.
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