IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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There is no doubt that over the last decade, learning other's nation Language has became hot topic in education System. In this essay, I will shed some light on the merits and the demerits of learning foreign language at primary school rather than secendory school.
Nowadays, walking is renowned for keeping fit due to a plethora of positive points namely reducing weight, blood pressure, anxiety, and many others. Nevertheless, there is a small population who are walking today. The reasons and solutions will be mentioned in-depth in the following essay.
Our environment is greatly damaged by elastic, and bottles, which are used by people every day. Those lead to a direct impact on animals particularly those who live in the ocean, such as turtles and fishes. However, the government should create regulations and play a role in the authority to reduce of using moulded bottles in certain areas, which will be discussed in the following paragraph.
Nowadays people are getting intrigued by discovering the history of the structure they live in. They are more interested in the uniqueness of the design of the building or the house they live in. The below essay summarizes some of the reasons for this curiosity.
Traditionally, people used to go to school and university to complete their studies, in order to be able to find a job in future. Nowadays, they are tending to seek other opportunities, which is true, resulting in more money than the regular 9 to 5 careers. Some believe that leaving school at an early age makes you more successful in life. Furthermore, by giving real-life examples, we are going to support this point of view in the below passage.
There is an increasing number of people who are interested in finding out the history of their living place. They want to know because they are curious and keen on having a sense of connection to the community. They are able to reach this information by interviewing residents who lived there for a long time.
It is true that there is a growing number of people having sugar-based beverages. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, which can require several solutions to be adopted.
Children are the fragile group who are targeted by criminals because they are innocent. Crime in many countries was found that children were targeted and this is the problem which we need to find a solution before the situation becomes a crisis. It will be discussed in this essay.
In the present circumstance, while younger individuals have a tendency to gain more wealth and have a stronger health in comparison with the past, they still suffer from unjoyful feelings. There are numerous reasons for this phenomenon such as higher competition or peer pressure. The essay will discuss these reasons and state some solutions.
The safety of their people is of utmost priority for every nation. Some countries have imposed certain regulations in various sectors like wearing a hard hat in the construction industry or putting on a special kind of protected clothing while working in the factories. This essay will discuss to what extent such laws are useful for society and would include a few recommendations on other measures that could be introduced in the coming years for the welfare of our communities.
Happiness plays a prominent role in everybody's life. Moreover, it is difficult to express the feeling of happiness in words. There are manifold factors, which are pivotal in accomplishing happiness. In this essay, I will give some reasons with some relevant examples.
Environmental protection is essential for the survival of not only human beings but also other forms of life on this planet. The number of land and sea animals is decreasing significantly due to the presence of human beings in sensitive areas. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this phenomenon and also offers simple steps to alleviate this overarching problem.
As a result of the internet and social media, celebrity profiles have increased, as have their pay packets. In fact, many celebrities earn more than most professionals, including politicians. In this essay, I will examine two main reasons for this and explain why I feel this situation is a positive one.
In this contemporary era, sports are essential for physical fitness as well as for mental health. Most people think that if someone is best at playing games then that one may be a talented guy. On the other hand, some argue that it depends upon hard work. Both sides will be discussed in the following subsequent paragraphs.
t is a truth that people can not get enough satisfaction and always desire more. It has both advantages and disadvantages, and this essay will explain them.
Nowadays,people are becoming more consumerist compared to past years. As a result ,most people tend to spend a huge amount of money to be materialistic rather than saving them. I believe that this can impact people's lives negatively.
Over the past few decades, society at large has witnessed a strong debate on the issue of museums whether made for recreational purposes or to educate others.Recent studies indicate that the trend is likely to accentuate in the coming decades considering the current realities of the modern world.In this context, it's high time to discuss the extent to which the museums should be considered either for entertainment or education.This essay shall analyse the topic from every angle and argue that it should consider a place of entertainment.
Nowadays, people increasingly spend money on applications on the smartphone. In this development way, advantages outweigh disadvantages for the certain benefit like useful and entertainment application
In this present world, technology is constantly on the rise. Computer games are gradually replacing outdoor activities, especially for kids who need to enjoy physical exercise. It is an adverse growth and would affect the next generations. Analyzing the attractiveness of computer gaming to progeny as well as the level of fatigue when they are doing exercise will prove this.
A proper balance of all living and non-living beings will result in an excellent ecosystem. However, the growing intervention and manipulation by human beings result in the destruction of the natural habitat of other living beings. Huge species of animals are at the edge of extinction, along with others that fall under the endangered list. The reasons behind it and the way we can reverse such loss will be discussed in this essay.
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