IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Some people are in favour of living in the house, while remaining favour living in an apartment. According to me living in a house is more advantageous than in an Apartment. One of the main reasons is privacy and second is the freedom. I will elaborate on it below.
Embraced by more and more people for their numerous benefits, undeniably, digital publications will replace conventional ones in upcoming years and become an indispensable part of our daily life. However, some believe that online reading would cost us nothing, while others assume that nothing is free. This article will discuss both arguments of whether online books and newspapers can replace their successors and whether they might cost us nothing at all or not.
Time plays a very crucial role in everybody's life. Time is a very precious thing to everyone. Many pupils are working longer and longer hours and spending less time with their families. In this essay, I will discuss both scenarios and then I will give my opinion on this matter along with some relevant examples.
Building a career is not as simple as people think of as it needs a consistency throughout the career. Nowadays, folks are most likely unable to continue their careers on which they are currently working for. This essay will highlight the primary factor why this issue keeps happening, as well as my perspective on this matter.
In this day and age, the majority of people prefer to live in large cities because they believe that the city has opportunities to have a better life. In this essay, multiple reasoning to follow with the consequences of the outcome.
It is often argued that animals should be used for consumption or for experimental research for the betterment and advancement of human lives, while others think that they should be given fair treatment just as well. This essay will explain both opinions before giving a conclusion.
Nowadays, the human community is exceeding the capacity of the earth, this population explosion has both positive and negative effects. Some individuals think it might lead to a crisis but few individuals opine that it leads to growth in the economy and society. In this ,essay I am going to explain both views and give my opinion
Instead of spending free time in coworkers' company after work like some decades ago, some people today choose to separate their time for working and living apparently. Both sides have their own reasons as well as senses.
Without any doubt , society is divided into two groups as per the distinct mindset of different communities.With the increase in the population in ,towns a large number of individuals prefer to live in a small neighbourhood ,where number population is less.This essay will shed light on both perceptions in the upcoming paragraphs.
Due to the advancement in technology, international tourism has been very popular among people in the last few decades. It is thought by a group of community that international tourism has a negative impact on society. This essay will explain the reasons behind this perception and how to tackle this issue.
In this technological society, change is the spice of life and in every age as we notice so many changes. Nowadays, people are reducing the use of stationary equipment day by day due to digital gadgets. This essay deals with controversial topics from a different perspective.
In recent years, obesity and its consequences have become widespread all over the world. As its drawbacks affect both children and adults, some work should have been done to tackle it. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons for this phenomenon and propose some solutions.
Health plays the most crucial role in our life, especially nowadays, as the life expectancy of human beings is getting shorter compared to our ancestors. Elderly people are advised to do physical exercises regularly to keep fit. I believe this is because people get sick easily and their immune system is low, however, it can be tackled by awareness of individuals and governments.
It is true that in today's scenario , the population is increasing day by day to incline a population to meet the growing needs for food to sport is insect as a result insect as a food resource whereas some people opine that insects are only not unhealthy for humans but also have some detrimental effect of harvesting on nature . I will discuss both advantages as well as disadvantages of this phenomenon which I will discuss in upcoming paragraphs with relevant examples and a conclusion
Nowadays boarding schools are one of many different options for parents to choose for their children. Some individuals think that is good for students to study in such kinds of schools while others have a huge conflict that is not a good way to study. I am going to elaborate on both points of view and in the ,end I will give my own opinions with relevant examples.
Education is a primary need for a successful future and an efficient community.For decades experienced people tried to evolve the standard of the educational sector due to a lack of interest in children and the diminishing of born talents in scholars.I argue that there are possible alternative measures to improve education rather than co-operating with past methods and traditions.
It is no surprise that surging mankind's activities had created a detrimental impact on flora and fauna. Several individuals are at the nation that nothing can be done to eradicate the conundrum whereas another group of personages acclaimed that few steps can be taken to handle it . Hence, apart from my ,opinion both viewpoints are elaborated further.
Nobody would dispute the fact that the existence of an immense number of wild animals today is threatened. This has led to a myriad of concerns for the local authorities. Several factors are responsible for this growing concern, including the careless modern world, and it is becoming very challenging for the government to take instant actions to bring the situation under control.
There are those who believe that it is best for grandparents to remain in the care of their immediate families. Others, on the other hand, are of the opinion that elderly people should live on their own. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss both sides of this issue from their respective points of view.
Women are more admirable when we talk about parenting than men. I disagree with the statement. I believe both have their own individual roles in the upbringing of a child in the present time. I will discuss this notion in detail in the following paragraphs.
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