IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Most of the developed continents provide a quality system of education as they maintain high standards of curriculum and this attracts many students from developing or poor c to study in foreign countries after their graduation.I think this opportunity gives a higher number of advantages than disadvantages.
In today's developing world many different languages are emerging all around the world and it has become essential to learn languages day by day. Several masses attend various classes and courses to learn new linguistics. However, it is believed that experts should not discourage their students by scolding but they should focus on providing proper review when they score high. In this , the topic I will discuss reasons and give my examples.
Nowadays, education and medicine are the two most important sectors that society pays attention to . Some individuals believe that the government should pay for medical and education, while some people claim that it is the public own responsibility. This essay will look at both views and I think that both statements has their own benefits , I will explain my reasons for it.
Transportation is an issue in most areas and the only means are taxis and buses. This is a negative development in my opinion and this essay is going to discuss how it affects individuals and society at large.
Consumption of sugar is harmful to health as it frequently leads to diseases like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. a number of people deem that authorities should play a crucial role in limiting sugar intake, while others believe that it's the individual’s responsibility to take care of one's health and consume nutritious foods. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument in detail.
Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly common that more people are likely to decide to have children later in their life. This trend has caused some controversial opinions, in my opinion, I believe this tendency may give both and effects for some reasons.
The time of digitalization has improved all aspects of human life. Especially the way we communicate with each other is not still the same as before, because innovative technologies give people an opportunity to keep in touch with somebody from everywhere in the world. But, while we are able to call or message somebody, the amount of personal meetings in our life is decreased. This essay will argue that the benefits of this new way of communication offset the drawbacks entailed by this state of affairs, as mobile phones and the Internet influence society in a positive way and take a part in the improvement of our future.
There is no denying the fact that nowadays, the vast majority of people do many kinds of things to get a high paid income job and then job satisfaction has a major role in their lives and companies should do something to satisfy their employees by providing more opportunities to them. In my opinion, job satisfaction is crucial for the betterment of work and I will state my reasons with clarification of my ideas in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Many individuals do their jobs for extended periods, leaving almost no ideal opportunity for recreational exercise. Although some people justify this practice by highlighting the benefits like quick career progressions and monetary incentives, I strongly oppose this due to its negative impacts on health and quality of life which are much more than its advantages.
At present, the number of local stores significantly decreases as you may notice that many shops in your town are now closing and there is a rise in the number of air conditioned-stores. Some people believe that this change has a lot of negative impacts on the owners of those little shops, on the other hand, it also provides much more convenience to people nowadays. In my opinion, it was a great development and I will give a description of my point of view in the essay.
In most countries, historical monuments are protected and maintained by government institutions. There are special departments and funds allocated for the preservation of historical sites. But due to religious, and economical reasons in some countries, these buildings are either on the verge of collapse or destroyed in the name of politics. The government and the people need to step up and make sure these are protected.
It is obvious that there are more extensive technological devices than ever before. In addition,focusing on reputation,computer games account for superiority over sports among children. However,its cause and effect will be written in the following paragraphs before the conclusion is reached.
Nowadays, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. There must have some reasons based on current developments, and thanks to current developments they could make it much easier to research.
It is true that many residents in several countries are becoming more and more interested in finding out about the history of the house and building where they have been living in recent years. There are a variety of possible reasons for this phenomenon as well as severaland approaches which people can use to research these histories.
Nowadays, children spent more hours in front of computers. Over the past two decades, it becomes a crucial part of everyone's life. I personally believe that using computers at a younger age has more drawbacks than benefits. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages in the forthcoming paragraphs.
In the few decades, there is a growing proportion of the world’s population who decide to delayed parenthood. The underlying reasons for this trend are varied, and I suppose that the merits would eclipse the downsides.
In this digital era, people are doing more freelancing work rather than working for any firm. This essay intends to analyze the causes of it and its diverse effects on being self-employed.
A section of society holds a belief that shopping can be a stree-free activity for people leisure. In my opinion, the prominent factor that can be seen is the folks easily blindsided by the promotions or sales of certain stuffs.
For the past decades, teachers was less interesting to many people. More and more people do not want to become teachers, especially in secondary schools. In fact, some people contend that the rate of people becoming teachers is the lowest it has been. This essay will present the underlying cause of this phenomenon and propose a practical solution to tackle this problem.
In this contemporary epoch, a section of society holds a belief that movies are created just to fulfil people's leisure time. Movies have numerous genres, and some folks commend that action movieaction movies, are deaigned to make the audience wonder about themselves, while others opine that they are designed to entertain people. In my point of view, I prefer to watch action movies rather than any kind of movie.
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