The graph below demonstrates that a country’s GDP cost on three areas, such as health , education , roads and railways, proportion during 2000 to 2025. To begin with, it is obvious that the proportion of the money on heath people cost steadily increasing while the roads and railways take up less and less proportion of GDP during the 20 years from 2000 to 2025 and become the lowest percentage of GDP in 2025 though it takes the highest proportion at the beginning, and both of the health and roads and railways occupied the same percentage which are approximately 4 percentage of GDP around 2006, and they finally take up the proportion of GDP are 7.5 and 2.6 respectively. As for the education, it begins with the lowest percentage of GPD and punctual during the 2000 to 2025 and finally become higher as 4.2 percentage than the beginning around less than 3 percentage and be the midst proportion of GPD compare to health and road and railways.