Carbon dioxide is a very toxic gas which causes global warming world widely. There is a plot of CO 2 emission with respect to yearly of different countries. The graph include four types of countries which are including Portugal, Italy, Sweden and United Kingdom, respectively. The horizontal axis represent the increasing year from 1967 to 2007 while the vertical axis shows the CO 2 emission in metric tonnes. The results of the graph show that’s there is gradually increasing CO 2 emission in case of Portugal and Italy. But at the end the CO 2 emission becomes constant. While that’s in case of Sweden, there is gradually increasing first till 1977, after that’s the CO 2 emission becomes gradually in decreasing order. While that’s in case of United kingdom there is a constant decrease of CO 2 emission resulting a good sing for the weather changes. So, the results show that the United kingdom has less affects of global warming as compare to the other countries.