IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Few people claim that youngsters should use their leisure time engaging with their family rather than hanging out. Though this is not the same case with everyone. In my opinion, I would encourage the younger ones to go out and explore the real world.
It is recommended by some people that currently we have been lots up options for anything. I acknowlodge that people have different more ways of one things.
In past few years, the computerized translation has entered new area of accuracy due to advanced information Technology. Some people believe That now there is no need for children to learn a foreign language. I agree That high accuracy of computerized translation helpfull but I strongly believe That kinds should learm atleast on foreign language.
Traffic congestion is an endemic and a major problem in many major cities. This essay will be geared towards looking for possible solutions and an end to this trauma.
Nowadays, almost everyone possesses a mobile phone. It is becoming an important tool for the safety of children, especially with the new smart phones, but it also involves some drawbacks.
In recent times,many businesses have started using advertising to persuade people to buy.Many people believe that this give temptation to each individual about new products information how useful it is.I agree with this idea but it is important to bear in mind that people use when it is necessary for life
In several nations people have more health problems. it is because they choose to live unhealthy lifestyle. there is many reason for this and can be solved by the help of more adversting the negative impact of living unhealthy lifestyle. My views are explained in upcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays it is clearly evident that people categorised by who do physical work and who qualified by high degree level. It is argued that both employee should be paid equally. in my opinion both person who devided by degree and experience are doing vital improtance job in own field. However, people who got high level degree should be paid more because of spending time for getting qualification.
Nowaday, the question of salaries of senior workers are higher than that of younger or not has been receiving a great deal of public attention. Although this suggestion cause some problems, the advantages will be far more significant.
Nowadays, the development of transportations makes tourism be easy for everybody. Travel is a way to relax on a vacation. They are attracted to explore new places and try to find something difference from the places where they stay.
The Graph Illustrates change in number of passengers travelling through London Underground Station during different hours
The electronic gadgets has made humanlife more easier by providing remarkable facilities in terms of work and education. Many employees and students make use of computers and other technologies to complete their daily work.Modern technology offers a flexible way to achieve goals and it is a good option for saving money as well as time.
Every information is accessible at ease, with the advent of the cyberspace. While a few consider that the musical world is negatively affected due to unauthorized copies, there are people who believe it is hardly impacting vocalists or singers.
Nowadays have many people do not like to outgoing more than the past because of the factor such as traffic, weather, people, internet, etc.
It is always a debatable question that where should government spend money. Author claims that rather then funding a money in public transportation, authorities use it in other areas such as environment and cost.I will discuss both point of view in ensuring paragraph with example.
These days online shopping became very popular. So, some people prefer to buy from the internet, while others believe that it is not safe. This essay will discuss both sides and will draw my personal conclusion.
A few individuals believed that private life of people should be published in social media like newspaper, television and the internet. In my opinion, I express a contrasting viewpoint. This essay will explore both perspectives and then offer a personal viewpoint.
Education is the a rudimently right of every student which decide their future and that of nation.According to some people belive, the number of girls and boys children admitted in university is same in each subject.
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