Tonight, I'm going to talk to you about that remarkable contenint, aount ...., remot, hustel and it present uninhabited unperminet bases , for early explores it was the altemet survivel context , for reserchers like me it remains the place of great chalenge for modern tourist it simply of grates bautiy first, some facts and figers .... is the place of extreams the highest, coldest and windiest contenet and over 58 time the size of the UK the ice cab contain almost 70% of the worlds fresh water and 90% of it's ice, but with very low snow fall most of the contenet technicaly falls unblievebly into the category of desert huge ice berges brake off the contenet eash year while in winter half the srounding oceien freezes over which means it size almost doubels reasercher and exploration has been going on ....for more than 200 years and has involve sientices from many different countries who work together on reaserch stations Hear sientes and technical suppor...