In Vietnam, public's health is one of the most controversial topics that being taken care of by the health government. To improve the health of Vietnamese people, the health government demands local authorities as well as real estate organizers to come up with the solutions to maximize their citizen's health. One of the biggest real estate oganizers in Vietnam is Vingroup with over 50 modern urban neighborhoods lie throughout Vietnam. To take care of this problem, Vingoup came up with solutions by creating the most convinient for their customers to do exercise and encouraging their citizens to do it more. Firstly, Vingroup has been improving their infurstructure by buiding more public sport facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pool, basketball courts,... as well as create more green field areas such as green parks. By doing this, more and more citizens can access to those ultilities site and build good habits for their health. Secondly, Vingroup has been trying to create more ...