In Several nations, increasingly people are becoming interested to know about house or bulding they live in. Their is an reson behind that, also this essay is going to about effictive way that can follow to know about the house they are living in.In the commence with, the tends to know for the history of a house is becomeing, so populare among people. It is now become a kinds of responsibility for them. Foremost, they show their curcicity is for be familiere with the house, the house can be demaged by the natural diseaster it would be hessel for Someone afrer diseaster. If this is the case or wrong happend it would easer to preparce for next diseaster to illustrate, my father was previously known about earthquakes, When he done Some observation about our house he come to a point that he made a coridor to prevent ourself from this kinds of disasters.Furthermore, this make the house So Strong the value of it the market always get on higher rang.