Many psychologist s and neuroscientists believe that happiness is a choice and circumstances cannot direct a person to be sad or elated. However, some believe, there are various factors, which can make a jovial person, gloomy. I am in accord, with former opinion, as I believe, human beings have power to control their emotions. In the composition, both aspects will be discussed with pros and cons. To embark upon, some experts assume, many external circumstances, are responsible, for a person to remain joyful or depressed. These may be, loss of job or a loved one, divorce, poverty, physical or mental debility and any kind of physical or mental abuse. For instance, people who just lost their only child, may go into deep depression, this may lead to various psychosomatic disorders. Also, patients who are on wheelchair and limited ability to do even their normal chores, can be anxious and without hope, leading to chronic depression. In such conditions, it is very difficult to re...