I completely agree with the statement that it is more meaningful to plant trees in the open urban areas,rather than building more houses. Trees not only provide environmental compensation package but also provides numerous social and economic benefits. This essay intends to discuss my opinion and these benefits. Admittedly, housing is needed to meet the demands of the burgeoning population, but we can go for high-rise buildings and leave the open spaces for planting more and more trees. To begin with the environmental benefits of trees, these help purify the polluted air in the cities and towns. Research has proven that 100 trees can remove tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. Trees are also known to create a buffer, which cuts down the everyday noise of cities, thus tackling noise pollution also. To add to it, the water is also managed better, if there are more trees in a city. The rainwater doesn't run off into drains if there are trees in urban areas. it is filtered into the groun...