IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, new technologies such as smartphones are used daily for several hours per day by kids. There are many factors that led to this situation to happen. One of them is that the children can communicate with each other outside of schools. Another reason is how many capabilities they offer. In my opinion, it is a positive development.
In the modern world, advertising is a well-discussed topic. some individuals think that advertising has influencing on people to buy products while others believe that individuals would ignore advertising not affecting by that. This essay will discuss these views based on facts and my opinion on conclusion.
Some people believe they can convey their meaning orally better than in written form. Whilst both types of communication have pros and cons, it seems to me that spoken communication is more appropriate.
It is argued that certain parts of tactics in advertising have negative effects on the population, violate moral principles and are hard to be accepted in the contemporary world. In my opinion, I completely agree with this statement. In this essay, I will explain my viewpoints in detail in the ensuing paragraphs.
Due to Covid, more and more universities and college has started with distance lessons. Certain people believe that physical courses are better, and will never be substituted by online's one. I think that in term of teaching efficiency, face-to-face classes are definitely one step ahead, but distance learing has several benefits in other aspects.
There are a lot of people who say that achievement of studies depends on teachers that have good know-how to teach. On the other hand, there are people who say that it depends on the student. If the teacher does have not the knowledge, it is difficult to learn. But, the students are able to study without an instructor. I will discuss both views and describe my thinking.
Education is a basic need of modern society. The question is, who is behind the success of education. It is always a debatable topic that has become more controversial when many people claim that good teachers are behind the advance while others believe that achievement depends on children. I believe both are equally important for real accomplishment. In the subsequent paragraphs, I will elaborate on both notions thus leading to a logical conclusion.
Smoking in common places is becoming a big concern for different communities and many believe that authorities should pass a law to forbid smoke usage in shared areas. However, it limits an individual ‘s liberty. I entirely disagree with the mentioned statement and this essay highlights its upsides and drawbacks.
In this essay, I will consider the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. I will begin by discussing how studying via the internet opens opportunities to many and then explore the drawbacks. In doing so, this response will outline the pros and cons of online education.
Nowadays, we are able to see advertisements everywhere including on television or streets. From my perspective, I agree that advertising has a great influence on citizens to buy some products unnecessarily, while I do not think that consumers are controlled by advertising.
In contemporary societies, music is an effective way to express emotions, and listening to it is a crucial part of our spiritual life. Although this action is a top hobby for many people, its effects on many aspects of our lives are an undeniable fact.
Education is the fundamental rights of everyone. While some people argue that should be accesible and available for every student, regardless of their financial statement. In my perspective, i strongly believe this idea for several reasons.
The global population has been increasing trend for a long period of time. The world has been adding around a billion people every decade. Developing countries of the earth have been witnessing rapid population growth for many reasons. Overpopulation of the earth may create a lot of problems. In this essay, I will examine the causes of the fast hike in the population and the challenges the governments may need to face and will also draw a conclusion regarding the issue.
Some claim that it is more beneficial for children to read stories from books than play video games on a computer and watch television. I personally beg to differ with this assertion and explain why below.
In the current era and with the evolution of technology and the internet, the youth are spending most of their daily time on their smartphones. This phenomenon is due to multiple reasons that will be elaborated on in this essay, as well as why I personally claim that this development has a negative impact on children.
A significant number of female students sign up and complete their degrees in Science and Technology with few of them working in this area of expertise. In my opinion, this phenomenon is the result of lady bias and high pressure from work, which could be tackled with some plausible measures.
There has been a profound tendency for unusual exaggeration in companies' advertising method representing the same goods as a brand new ones. This issue is fraught with controvercy, with concern being expressed over the consequences. I am uttrely convinced that this trend both deteriorate their branding and put their turnover at jeopardy due in part to their relentless greed which will elaborate in the following paragraphs.
Social media has shed more light on the lifestyle of celebrities than ever before. Many people are interested in following them as they tend to copy them and they try to mimic their way of life. If you ask me, this is not a good thing. It affects people financially and hides their real personalities.
In the contemporary ethos, it is the era of the IT revolution where most of the jobs can be performed using the internet, hence there should not be any restriction on physical presence and people could work from home too. Of course, there are certain demerits of the same, but in my opinion, the advantages overweigh over disadvantages as perused further.
There are always opposing views in terms of spending money on kinds of transport. In some countries, some citizens think that the government should invest enormous sums of money in constructing new railway lines for express trains between cities while others claim that sums of money should be spent on improving existing public transport. I agree that the government should spend money on the new railway lines, but I also think that it is necessary to improve existing transport, meaning that the states have to take a look at the citizens' needs to know what they prefer.
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