IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In the contemporary ethos, it is the era of the IT revolution where most of the jobs can be performed using the internet, hence there should not be any restriction on physical presence and people could work from home too. Of course, there are certain demerits of the same, but in my opinion, the advantages overweigh over disadvantages as perused further.
There are always opposing views in terms of spending money on kinds of transport. In some countries, some citizens think that the government should invest enormous sums of money in constructing new railway lines for express trains between cities while others claim that sums of money should be spent on improving existing public transport. I agree that the government should spend money on the new railway lines, but I also think that it is necessary to improve existing transport, meaning that the states have to take a look at the citizens' needs to know what they prefer.
The advantages of the promotion of the products are often a topic to debate. While some people believe that advertising becomes more and more prevalent so that people don't pay attention to this, I, like many others, argue that it is crucial for the company to easily persuade customers to buy their goods.
School uniforms are essential in a wide range of schools. We often asked ourselves while we were teenagers, why we are wearing a uniform? Some people believe that it is not necessary, since there are no benefits from it, while on contrary, others believe it is important and we shouldn't stop this tradition. In my opinion, wearing a standard custom is not beneficial and it is negatively affecting children.
My name is Vladislav Krotov and I am a graduate of the “Logistics” program at the School of Business of Belarusian State University. I am currently working as a logistics manager for the German company Xometry Europe GmbH. With this motivation letter, I would like to express my interest and motivation for obtaining a master’s degree in Germany.
Nowadays , crime rates are increasing day by day , even though criminals are punished for their crimes but they are still involved in such activities . There are a plethora of reasons for this such as ,no working opportunity after coming out from the cells . To decrease such action , the government should take some initiatives ,for instance , making them learn some earning courses during the punishment period so that they don't have to worry about earning for their basic needs.Further this essay will discuss the reasons for such activities and how they can be reduced .
In this essay, I will be cogitating how some teachers reward students who achieve outstanding academic results in comparison to teachers that reward those that display the most improvement. While I will consider both views, it is my opinion that most teachers focus on academic results rather than personal improvement within subject areas.
In this essay, I will be considering how some teachers reward students who achieve outstanding academic results in comparison to teachers that reward those that display the most improvement. While I will consider both views, it is my opinion that most teachers focus on academic results rather than personal improvement within subject areas.
Factors affecting salary, which are always debatable, have become more controversial, with many claiming that salaries should be equal for people who do indoor and outdoor jobs, while others reject this notion. I strongly believe the former preposition is more rational. In this essay I elaborate my views on the importance of the equalization of salary in the subsequent paragraphs, thus leading to a logical conclusion.
In the last century, the world has been changing very quickly due to the fast development of internet and electronic gadgets. Hence, part of the old generation are being marginated in this field. the purpose of this essay is to bring some ideas to help the elderly people to exploit it and how to encourage them to use it.
In this day and age obesity became a health problem for the entire society, including children as well. Some people believe that the responsibility for the increase in the number of children overweight need to be taken by the government. I partially agree with this idea, and in this essay, I will argue that besides the government's responsibility there are responsibilities for parents, teachers, and the health care system.
Following the rapid development of Science and Information Technology, the utilisation and misuse of the technology is also rising significantly. These days, the tendency of supervision and penetration of specific people through mobile apps and location tracking is growing considerably which is a great threat to the rights of privacy of the people. In this essay, I will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and draws conclusions in this regard.
Self-driving vehicles are in the middle way of completion, and they are predicting a future prospect of transport: no driver, only passengers. In my opinion, this development brings both pros and cons and the former outweighs the latter.
Internet is becoming necessary in all aspects of our lives; we depend on the things that integrate the internet into it, especially the gadget with featured. However, even though for some people, these things will be beneficial to gather people, I believe that social media on a personal gadget like Twitter or Facebook negatively affects younger generations to build personal relationships. Exclusively, they neglect their presence in real life and lack social sensitivity.
Nowadays, countries that have natural wonders and provide various places of interest, benefit economically from being popular tourist destinations. However, the tourism industry can bring problems as well if it is not directed properly. But I believe that the advantages weigh more than the advantages.
Museums provide a platform for entertainment and knowledge. Few people visit museums today as compared to the past. The primary cause of this phenomenon is the endless entertainment streams on the internet, and the most viable solution, to attract more visitors is to increase the content of museums on the online platform.
In modern society, money has never been insignificant among individuals. While some people argue that high wages are strongly linked with living a successful life, others maintain that there are other essential sectors that aid in boosting happiness. In my opinion, I am convinced that it is the exorbitant money that is influential in meeting their needs in both their health and educational perspective.
Prioritising one area of education over another has always been a bone of contention. Government politics in different countries play important role in educational problems and their solutions. History as a discipline in schools, I believe is an essential part of young people's development to become successful in life.
Some people argued that higher institutions students should study their desired courses while others think that they should only study science and technology-related courses that will be beneficial later in life. In my opinion, I believe that generally, students should be allowed to enrol on their course of choice while incentives like scholarships should be introduced in order to encourage enrollment in science and technology courses because of their importance.
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