IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, traffic accidents are increasing at high speed all over the world. Therefore, it is the most important problem that many countries face. However, whether all drivers need to have a driving test each year is a controversial issue. In my opinion, I deeply disagree with this idea.
Nowadays, discipline become an ever-increasing dilemma in advanced institutes. Few individuals believe that tutors should be responsible to teach self-control to students, while, others argue that parents should take initiative for this skill. However, children spend their giant hours at study places, hence, teachers should encourage them to follow rules, although, they utilize their leisure time with family members than this is the moral responsibility members to focus on them. This essay will discuss both views with explanations and appropriate examples in upcoming paragraphs.
There is a belief that, food aid can solve problem about starving, while some humans consider that education should be more benefit. Personally, I believe, educating people would help solve their financial imbalances to purchase daily needs. This essay will examine both sides.
nowadays, more and more children spend a long time watching tv and playing computer games, so parents think they should place some restrictions on it and encourage their children to read some books.
Nowadays, a lot of people prefer do volunteer in order to help the environment and nature. However, some citizens consider that a local charity should be necessary for young students who study in school. I am disagree with this statement, and I will explain why in the following essay.
Nowadays, learning foreign languages has become more common. While some people think the only reason why people should learn other languages is for work or travel, argue that there are more reasons contributing to this case and I personally think they are right.
No one can deny that in this modern world a large factor of individuals is using computers and other devices to find their tip is not necessary to stamp newspapers or other equipment. I disagree with this notion, traditional items will always be important in this world such as magazines and it is better to do them online things I will discuss in the upcoming paragraphs.
In a few urban areas, individuals have to pay a charge when they drive their cars into the city centre, using the policy to reduce the number of vehicles in the city. There are many supportive reasons I have like, reducing pollution and controlling traffic.In my ,opinion it is a good way to stop people for using their cars unnecessary
Disseminating information has been one of the distinctive characteristics of the modern world. Some argue for the unrestricted sharing of information in scientific, business and academic areas to make knowledge in such fields widely accessible to people across different divides. However, I disagree and believe a more restrained and regulated procedure of sharing information is advisable.
With the booming population around the world, more and more people are willing to live in the cities instead of staying in the countryside. Under such circumstances, many cities choose to build new residential areas on top of farmlands and parks to solve housing problems. Overall, I think this is a positive trend.
Crime is a very old phenomenon and no one actually knows when it started. This problem can be seen in societies because of financial problems or lack of education. Despite the fact that some would argue that the problem will correct itself over time, In my view, there is much that can be done to address this issue constructively.
In today’s modern life, if allowed to select between a life without work and a hard-work life, people usually choose the former. In my opinion, I think people should learn how to balance between work and rest.
Recently, individuals can taste food from every country for the whole year, but in the past, people have no opportunity to eat food manufactured by other places. As far as I am concerned, I think this trend can bring about more benefits for people compared with the drawbacks it might bring.
Nowadays, teaching children became possible to take place on school premises and at home as well. Some people agree that to obtain better study results, kids should study at school, However, others disagree with this idea, and consider that children need to be taught at home for better development. In this essay, I will argue that the correct way to be taught is when children are enrolled in school and during an academic year following the schedule and are physically present at the lessons and in contact with teachers.
Travelling around the world has become a trendy thing. However, recently most travellers are targeting destinations where conditions are harsh. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of such kind of tourism.
Travelling around the world has become a trendy thing. However, recently most tourists are targeting destinations where conditions are harsh. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of such kind of tourism.
Children today have many higher pressures from education, social and commercial. In my opinion, there are many reasons for this problem, and solutions should be given to combat these problems.
It is often considered few people argue that higher wages for senior-level managers are the best thing which is offered by an organization. As compared to manpower get less salaries in the same company. In my, inclined experiences of different fields and tackling various problems by managers expected to get better pay rates. I completely agree with the statement which reaches a logical conclusion.
In the world of learning, exams are considered to be beneficial for children and educational systems, in such a scenario traditional forms of exams are considered to evaluate the calibre of pupils. This essay will shed light on the plausible reasons for such development along with some other ways of evaluation in ensuing paragraphs.
Advancement of technology helped the medical field in all senses ,particularly in immunisation and vaccination area. Compared to earlier days, many childhood diseases have been wiped out completely with the help of vaccines. It is parents' duty to make sure that their kids are getting vaccinated against common diseases and this essay discusses the enforcement of the law if the parents fail to immunise their kids.
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