IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is true that nowadays using social platforms becoming more popular compared to in-person communication. Personally, I believe that both sides can be critical for society. Therefore, I reckon that the benefits of networks cannot outweigh the drawbacks.
Several specialists believe that it is more beneficial to introduce a second language earlier in childhood, during elementary school than later in adolescence, during high school. This essay will corroborate that the benefits of this practice outweigh the downsides. The main advantage is that children at this age learn faster than during adolescence. In contrast, the main drawback is that schoolers are more prone to losing motivation.
Fresh water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet. Some believe the government should regulate its supply and usage, while others claim it should be unrestricted. This essay will first explore the reason behind governments overseeing the water supply, and second, it will discuss why some people are against strict regulation policies of this natural resource.
Part-time job during education is quite common in European and Western Countries. Students pursue part-time jobs from high school and many people argue that students should continue part-time jobs during university education as well. I completely agree with the statement that students shall do temporary jobs during their university education.
Economic progress is arguably one of the most important factors in determining the success of a nation. In fact, the flourishment of a country is highly influenced by its economy. Although other factors are also important, I personally believe that a strong developed and diverse economic system is the number one criterion to assess a country's success.
It is becoming increasingly common to relocate to larger cities instead of living in suburbs. Moreover, it is predicted that even more people will move to urban areas in the long term. Inevitably, this trend will cause such serious problems as deforestation and congestion. From my perspective, it is important for authorities to give incentives to citizens in order for them to choose a place of living in the outskirts. The notions will be examined in the essay.
It is believed by some that advertisements are exceedingly effective to sell products. However, others argue that it can’t draw attention as before because the public has already become familiar with it. This essay agrees that advertising has huge effects on customers and discusses both sides prior to the conclusion.
The increasing advancements in automated transport are becoming more and more common in today's world. Several benefits could emerge from this popular trend, however, some negative outcomes could also prove harmful to our society.
In the modern era, traffic and pollution are the greatest issues in our society. Although rising the price of petrol is an effective solution, it is also a big headache for some people. In my view, I agree with this statement.
In the current day and age people tends to believe that paying tax to the government shows how accountable the person is toward society. While others believe that apart from cashing government via tax it is necessary to help the country in non-monetary ways. This essay will give views on both sides to come to a conclusion.
In the present world, the IT revolution and the internet have changed the world in the most positive ways. Although, these beneficial effects of modern technology touch every field of the world and people of every age, some aged people find difficulties in making themselves up-to-date with these changes and are unable to operate these complex devices. It is very essential to teach and motivate older people to use these gadgets on a routine basis due to several advantages. This essay will discuss significant positive aspects of these advances in life of older people as well as important techniques to encourage them to use these devices.
There is no denying the fact that many parents are buying their children a lot of toys to play with. One school of thought opine that it is worth it, whilst others consider and thinks that a couple of problems also occur because of the same. Although this has a plethora of merits, some demerits are also there which will be elaborated on further.
Sport is an essential activity for everyone young or old. In order to keep healthy and maintain a good ,body it is important to include physical exercises at school.
In the modern era, the advancement of healthcare enables people to live longer. This can cause numerous benefits to mankind, while it can potentially lead to some drawbacks. This essay will examine and compare the pros and cons of medicinal development.
Wildlife conservation has become one of the principal worries that mankind desires to address. While some deem that retaining animals in zoos is a cruelly unlawful approach and others are of the opinion that caging natural world creatures in zoos can also add function shelters for recreational and ecological purposes. Although several people support the former idea, I firmly advocate it as true that those animals saved in zoos are referred to as the feasible option to protect them.
The factors which are helpful to achieve success in sport get vary with different people’s perspectives. Some individuals may argue that being strong is a significant factor a player should have. While others agree, mental strength makes much more sense than being just strong enough to you win. I agree with the second opinion actually but sometimes I agree with both. Let’s see what opinion is practicable.
It is commonly complained that the nuclear guns are extremely intimidating and they should be completely averted for spreading the peace to the world.In contrast, others believe that nuclear innovations are cost effective as well as eco-environment friendly .I incredibly convinced that the pros are greater than the cons.
“Love when you can” is the main message I want to send to you guys today. The reason why I chose this topic to talk about in this contest today is that I’ve been in a position where I can deeply understand this message.
In current, business owners are trying to represent their products as newly produced. I am of the opinion, that it is a negative trend, due to a large number of traditional items that might lose their value as people set their attention to new commodities.
The increase in waste disposal has been alarming worldwide. It is directly proportional to overpopulation. Besides, the lack of knowledge on how to dispose of rubbish adds fuel to the seriousness of the issue. Government should be involved in taking strict measures to reduce its devastating impacts on society and the planet.
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