IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is certainly believed that kids who started high school have ample amount of free time, which can be used to spend some time on public service, and I completely agree. Would like to discuss the following examples to understand better.
Some majority of people think that physical clout is more important whereas others think that intellectual fortitude plays an important role in the victory of sports. While there are many benefits to considering physical clout there are also some drawbacks to consider in this essay I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support for the latter view.
People have different perspectives whether school should teach children to compete or work in group as a team. While some people think that school should focus more on competitive skills, others believe that it is better for children to learn to cooperate and work in group.
Some teenagers prefer watching tv for long hours daily . This essay will discuss two main causes of spending too much time in front of the television including a lack of social life and laziness. This essay will suggest two solutions to these problems including building a social life and hanging out with new people , in addition to doing some physical activities .
The bar chart shows information about how many households are owning and rented accommodation in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011.
Nowadays, there are much fewer difficulties for tourists to go to foreign countries compared to the past. As a result, a growing number of people are now travelling abroad. In this essay, I will explore the merits and demerits of this situation.
It is important to make some risky moves in your career as well as in your personal life. Although this may harm a person in the short term, it allows them to create new opportunities and I believe this advantage far outweighs any potential disadvantages.
In this modern era, some people believe that a wide range of abilities is essential sure to children from plenty of social backgrounds to mix with each other at the institute, while some people disagree with this. This essay will be examined both agree and disagree aspects in detail.
As technology keeps developing, children have various events to do in their free time. Some experts argued that this trend would bring some negative effects on kids. But I firmly believe there are more benefits than drawbacks.
Is often thought by many people that taking risks and getting out of their comfort zone in life is crucial in all areas of life, both professionally and personally. In my personal point of view, I claim that the benefits of this mindset mostly outweigh the drawbacks and this essay will further elaborate on my opinion.
Many citizens consider that history is the most cruicial lesson in school. However, some people disagree and they think that, nowadays subjects like math and physics are more vital than history. From my personal point of view, both subjects are necessary in school system. This essay will discuss both points with some possible examples.
Shopping is an effective way to reduce human’s modern life pressure or stress of fast-paced life. Nowadays, even though browsing at shopping malls has been increasingly common among youngsters, there is a various number of activities that teenagers develop and mature by doing them.
Living in a fast-paced environment keeps people busier, it leads them to a lesser time for themselves to take a break and enjoy some hobbies. This essay will discuss the reasons and effects of every individual and their impact on our society.
In this contemporary era, the development of new technologies, and devices have grown stunningly. Due to this fact children have become more settled down rather than having physical activities. The misuse of new devices such as computers and smartphones become a worrying case which parents are facing nowadays. In this approach of reading, I will negotiate the negative effects which I think outweigh the positive points of the issue.
Over the last few years clearing of forests has been a rising problem. This essay will analyze the causes of deforestation like conversion to cropland and pasture and forest fires and offer solutions as reforestation and reducing beef consumption.
At an early stage of age, it is crucial to know the difference between what is good and bad. Some people believe punishing is the key to learning the distinction. However, I can not agree with the statement due to the lack of efficiency and restriction of certain activities that can be allowed in terms of discipline.
It is unfortunate that in the midst of vast progress in every field of life there is also a growth in anti-social behaviour and people have become less respectful of each other. This essay intends to analyze some causes of this phenomenon and suggests some ways to ameliorate the situation.
The span of knowledge is becoming wider and wider in the current world. However, everybody has to know basic things about the knowledge of history, geography, social science, science and technology and so on and the curriculum of the school should be designed accordingly. Many people argue that history is a more valued subject while others consider science and technology to be more important. In this essay, I will examine the useful aspects of both subjects and draw conclusions in regard to the issue.
Children are treated differently in several countries. In some countries, they treat children with a strict policy, keeping them under certain rules, whereas in some other countries, they are allowed to do things as they wish. Is it necessary to keep children under certain rules?, This essay discusses this view.
In today’s modern world, most people underestimate the value of mental health. As the world becomes more competitive, many give in to peer pressure in order to become successful which often leads to stressful lives. This essay will discuss why today’s generation often feels pressured and stressed, and how they could be encouraged to lead a more balanced lifestyle.
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