IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is certainly true that education has become an essential part of our lives, as it teaches everything required for a modern human to live happily and prosperously. There is a wide variety of different sources to get educated like schools, universities, the Internet and also speaking with older people. Nonetheless, some people claim that the information from family is more important compared to that from schools. To some extent, I agree with this point of view and this essay will expansively explain the reasons to support this based on examples.
People hold different views about the effect of advertisements on younger ones. While some claim that it poses a negative consequence on them, others believe that it adds value to their life and should be allowed. In my opinion, I firmly agree that the mode of advertising to children should be abolished as it has disadvantages. I feel this way for several reasons, which I will explore in the following paragraphs.
Today, numerous juveniles are moving to different nations for future opportunities. Firstly, I will discuss the reasons why a lot of young people leave their homeland. Secondly, the consequences in the next 3 decades.
Nowadays, many people do what they dislike or have no idea about in order to earn a living. Below I will be starting reasons and consequences while giving examples.
It is widely acknowledged that children are one of the most crucial parts of the nation's development. There has been a conclusive debate about whether handwriting is fundamental skill children should learn as compulsory as other skills. Nonetheless, from my point of view, I disagree with the previous point. In the following paragraphs, the reasons to support my disagreement will be outlined.
There is no doubt that health care is always a very hot problem. It is said that people need to pay for health care irrespective of a person's income. I totally disagree with this opinion. Although everyone ahould keep themselves healthy, the government have the responsibility for paying for as well as giving their citizens the best medical service.
The trend of educating foreign languages in school is getting high day by day. There are cons & pros of it,however in my opinion, it is always better to have any foreign language for your future. I will describe my point of view in the below essay.
I couldn't disagree more with the given statement that few nations are concerned about their people's health and well-being caused by sellers from the street. that state has to implement tax raises on street carts. because people are eating those foods to have them on the move and to have a bite that they enjoy within their budget.
There is a tendency that people are more interested in the history of the buildings where they live and this interest has significant reasons to occur. The following essay will try to find out what are those and the way how individuals can research their house's history.
In these days having a pet in our house is getting really common. Most of families have at least one fur baby that treat as a member of the family.
A growing number of students are now considering distance-learning programs, which means they can obtain a degree at home. I would argue that distance education can have the same effect on students compared to the traditional alternative, although there are some nuances between these two approaches.
People's opinion differs as to whether infants should devote their leisure to their family or whether this will not have any positive impact but one negative. I agree with the former viewpoint.
It is true that nowadays using social platforms becoming more popular compared to in-person communication. Personally, I believe that both sides can be critical for society. Therefore, I reckon that the benefits of networks cannot outweigh the drawbacks.
Several specialists believe that it is more beneficial to introduce a second language earlier in childhood, during elementary school than later in adolescence, during high school. This essay will corroborate that the benefits of this practice outweigh the downsides. The main advantage is that children at this age learn faster than during adolescence. In contrast, the main drawback is that schoolers are more prone to losing motivation.
Fresh water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet. Some believe the government should regulate its supply and usage, while others claim it should be unrestricted. This essay will first explore the reason behind governments overseeing the water supply, and second, it will discuss why some people are against strict regulation policies of this natural resource.
Part-time job during education is quite common in European and Western Countries. Students pursue part-time jobs from high school and many people argue that students should continue part-time jobs during university education as well. I completely agree with the statement that students shall do temporary jobs during their university education.
Economic progress is arguably one of the most important factors in determining the success of a nation. In fact, the flourishment of a country is highly influenced by its economy. Although other factors are also important, I personally believe that a strong developed and diverse economic system is the number one criterion to assess a country's success.
It is becoming increasingly common to relocate to larger cities instead of living in suburbs. Moreover, it is predicted that even more people will move to urban areas in the long term. Inevitably, this trend will cause such serious problems as deforestation and congestion. From my perspective, it is important for authorities to give incentives to citizens in order for them to choose a place of living in the outskirts. The notions will be examined in the essay.
It is believed by some that advertisements are exceedingly effective to sell products. However, others argue that it can’t draw attention as before because the public has already become familiar with it. This essay agrees that advertising has huge effects on customers and discusses both sides prior to the conclusion.
The increasing advancements in automated transport are becoming more and more common in today's world. Several benefits could emerge from this popular trend, however, some negative outcomes could also prove harmful to our society.
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