IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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With the rapid growth of technology, the trend of online shopping has increased. People can now buy an item from an online store rather than going to a physical store. Though shopping from an online store has certain advantages but it also has some major disadvantages which are described in this essay below.
•General Description of Study: •The cohort study was conducted in Calabria, Italy by (Quaresima et al.,2021). The objective was to assess the level of perception of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus after received health education compared to pregnant women without gestational diabetes mellitus .The data collected was N=400 ,all women had an oral glucose tolerance test divided into groups that consisted of n=200 women with diagnosed with gestational diabetes Mellitus who received health education session and n=200 pregnant women diagnosed without who did not receive it ,both groups participated in the questionnaire to evaluate their understanding of complications related to diseases .The finding revealed that counseling has a positive effect to improve the awareness of pregnant women (treatment group) about gestational diabetes mellitus Research Question(s) or Hypotheses: Based on the purpose of study what is the effect the health education about the risks of co...
Environmental issues are one of the main concerns human beings are facing nowadays. A commonly held belief is that individuals do not show sufficient interest in solving this problem. Personally, I disagree with this this statement and this essay will extensively explain the reasons to support my opinion based on real-life examples.
Most of the foods which are readily available include cool drinks that possess high sugar levels, which is the main cause of many diseases, some people argue, in order to reduce consumption it is suggested that these foods should be prohibitively expensive. I disagree with the statement, because food is the primary requirement of human beings which should not infringe by making it excess price and I believe in order to motivate people to consume the such product to increase awareness regarding the consequences.
It is known, nowadays, that cities around the world constantly grow in population, therefore, amount of cars increased in recent years as well. However, this tendency leads to the problem of traffic congestion. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will elaborate on the causes of this and suggest possible ideas that could potentially solve the issue.
With the advancement in the field of technology, medical treatments and types of equipment have also become modern. However, some people believe that diseases that cannot be cured with new medicines should be treated in a traditional way. I partially agree with this debatable issue and both my views have been highlighted in the following paragraphs.
It is known, nowadays, that cities around the world constantly grow in population, therefore, an amount of cars on roads incresed in recent years as well. However, this tendency leads to the problem with traffic congestions. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will elaborate on the causes of this and suggest posible ideas that could potentially solve the issue.
Some would believe spending governmental money on every graduate is not fruitful for the whole society and students should pay their own school or college payments. As a former university member of my country, I genuinely comprehend the challenge of providing all the money for every citizen studying at different levels, therefore I completely disagree with the mentioned idea.
In today’s society, tourism industry plays a vital role in earning money for people globally, it could also cause a host of matters if it is not controlled in a right way. While I understand that tourism may have some drawbacks, I strongly believe that its benefits are greater.
Nowadays, crime cases of youngsatars tend to inrease annualy, which have bad impact on worlds future development. Part of society consider that the reason of such increase tendecy is internet and violance information which young generation has acess to. In this essay i will argue that social media does part in increased juvinie crime, but other important aspect attribute it, like the impunity and narrow-midndness in young people.
Competitiveness is a desirable quality for individuals. This essay will analyse the effects of competitiveness on people and illuminate my view as to whether the eagerness of competition represents an auspicious or ominous tendency.
Many people like having a fixed daily routine, while others enjoy change in their lives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
These days, almost every type of sport is popular. Some teenagers mostly spend their leisure time playing outdoor activities or video games. Thus this essay will be considered its benefits and drawbacks with examples.
Nowadays, our society is fighting against a problem called obesity, especially among children. During the last few years, the percentage of this negative phenomenon among youngsters has increased by almost 20%. In this essay I will show the causes of overweight children and some remedial ideas.
There is no denying, that effective measures should be taken to reduce the number of accidents on roads. Consequently, an annual driving exam is one of the proposed actions that can ensure safety in the questions of goods logistics. I will support this view with the arguments in the following paragraphs.
It goes without saying that distance learning is gaining popularity in recent years due to Covid-19. This essay will examine the pros and cons of online education and I will be arguing in favour of this type of interaction.
Nowadays, the development of society has led to a gap between rich countries and poor ones. While some people argue that rich nations shouldn't hire the services of doctors, engineers and other experts from poor nations, I am of the opinion that it depends on many factors.
We have more and more people getting information over the Internet. In comparison to television or newspapers. While the benefits of digital media are supported by the public, I would say that potential pitfalls also deserve equal attention. I will say its potential pitfalls deserve equal attention as well. On the bright side, the merit of people's preference for digital media can be seen from a review. Besides the positive impact on the environment, online readers are connected to the rest of the world. Compared with newspaper and TV audiences, who receive information without access to feedback. Internet users are allowed to post their comments in response to report articles; such as nascent tendency facilitates the sense of reading by giving individuals a sense of participation in what is happening in the world. Yet, the removed benefits are not justified enough to represent the entire picture – while focusing on the positive side of people’s bias for digital br...
It is very common for privileged students from developed nations to take a year to travel between the end of high school and the beginning of university instead of working part-time. In my opinion, it is much better to develop your capacity for leisure activity rather than get a job in this interim period.
Accommodation is one of the most important things one must have. Nowadays, concerned citizens raise their voices so that government provide housing facilities to the homeless. Personally, I completely agree with that and in the subsequent paragraphs, i will be reasoning my stands.
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