IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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People's views have changed in recent centuries towards the importance of art in comparison with new days occupations; technology, science and jobs related. In the current ,essay I will explain some reasons why this emerged, and I will try to give some solutions to bring art back to the right situation in society.
There is much evidence that due to population growth, there are more people moving their houses to cities and city centres and almost every family have at least one car to use. A group of people think using cars in order to move in the city is the best way. However, others think using bicycles to travel within the city is the best. In my opinion, in some contests using a bicycle is the best way.
Public concern has arisen about whether it’s positive or negative development that with the help of modern technology it is less complicated to download copyrighted media from the internet for free. I tend to believe that it has more negative than positive impacts.
In the present world, it is of the common trend to construct structures with complex designs in order to create scenic beauty which is often not necessary till the structure serves its own purpose. Personally, I completely agree with that and i will be reasoning my stands in the subsequent paragraphs.
It is quite evident that, in today's time, everybody wants their things to be done in no time. With the fast pace of life, people have no time to wait to get their work done, which makes them search for shortcuts and the easiest ways to get stuff done. For instance, whether it be a working woman or a housewife, they both want their housework done in no time, and for that, they may hire servants or opt for high-tech types of equipment to get their household chores done in less time no matter how much they have to pay. Or we can consider the fact that, presently, half of the population in developed areas is becoming cashless and has started using the Unified Payment Interface.
In recent years,more and more people seeks to life quality.Some smaller shops would face bankrupt in local town area.Increasing people likes to driving vehicles to the far place then buy stuff.I consider this event is harm more than profit.So i will analyze this problem in residents and the government of city.
Environment plays a crucial role in an individual‘s life as it provides life to living organisms. Hence, it is very important for people to save the environment. In today’s world, people are more engaged in developing urban cities through deforestation and cutting down trees which has a vital link to organic life. In the following paragraphs, I would be emphasising the roots and the solutions which lead to environmental pollution.
It is widely believed in some traditional cultures around the world that the young generation can gain anything if they work hard for it. The impending essay will discuss the positive and negative effects of this view on children with a logical conclusion.
it is often argued that shifting location in childhood is very beneficial for children learning because they meet different people in different areas. However, Others opine that it's not good because it disturbs the kids and destroys their learning pace. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both points.
Urbanization along with megacities is a perhaps unavoidable phenomenon in almost countries in this contemporary life. Expensive living costs and housing problems are the most prevailing ones drive a considerable number of city dwellers unbearable.
Childhood is the best time to teach children about good and bad things because kids have the stronger catching power to learn anything as compared to youngsters or elders. Although, rewarding and praising are the best ways to change children's behaviour, some argue that this can be taught by torture. I agree with the first group and this essay will elaborate on both points of view.
Nowadays, especially in today's era, very few people read or watch the news on various media. Some believe that it does not relate to one's life and consumes time which is not worth it. In my opinion, I totally disagree with the notion for various reasons and I would like to summarize my point of view in the following paragraphs.
These days, numerous tourists tend to visit inaccessible locations such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. Needless to say, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages for visitors that go to these sites. This essay shall discuss both views.
There is no doubt that, improved technological devices have been contributing to the world in many ways for some time. Although, many olderolders have some trouble when it comes to using smartphones and the Internet but there are many advantages of these devices for older such as shopping or getting in touch with their loved ones since these technologies should be promoted by their benefits.
The protection of animals in forests is one of the most important things that governments invest their funds on it , although there are other more serious projects that need their attention. I totally agree with that fact and in this ,essay I will support my agreement with evidence .
For centuries, the grading system is being used to understand the cognitive functions of students as well as, to enhance their connectivity with teachers. As far as I am concerned, academic scoring is useful to motivate students. I believe this way because of certain reasons which will be discussed in the following essay.
It is sometimes claimed that the best way of reducing the rate of unemployment is giving a smartphone with Internet access to all folks who are seeking an occupation and the government should pay for it from the community’s taxes. I absolutely disagree with this statement. And this assay will extensively explain reasons to support my opinion based on real-life examples.
The problem of atmosphere deterioration from the aviation business was always debatable and now has become more controversial. Some masses believe that flying by air is the cause of air pollutants and also cuts off fuel resources while others reject this notion. In my opinion, i disagree with the statement and in this essay, i will shed light on the reasons and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
Some people believe that punishment is essential for youngsters to distinguish the difference between good and bad behavior. I completely agree that this kind of method would benefit them in the long term.
Many people think that living in urban spaces is greater than living in rural areas whereas others advocate otherwise I agree with the previous statement since living in cities is much easier because of the approachable opportunities such as hospitals and shops.
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