IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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As the world is developing into a new era more and more people are focused on doing their activities alone, ,however team activities teach people life important skills rather than doing activities by themselves. I solely disagree with the aforementioned sentence and I will outline the reasons behind my disagreement with examples.
In recent times, there has been a surge in crime rates in society.The government has devoted police forces to the preservation of the citizens. Some people believe that law enforcement carrying ammunition, leads to a rise in illegal activities in the community. But is this true? I completely disagree with this idea and in this , the essay I will support my opinion with examples.
In today's competitive era, young people search for a job change in short period of time. This essay will depict the reason behind it and whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
In today's era, technology has changed our lives in different ways. One of the most important factors that have been changed is entertainment. Films are a popular source of enjoyment and learning all around the globe. There are certain reasons for the popularity of movies which will be elaborated in the following essay.
It is argued that a big wage is more crucial that the job pleasure. This essay totally disagrees with that statement. I believe that people who spend most of their life, everyday at work, understand what they spend it on and are feeling pleasure and not negativity, also they think that money doesn't exactly bring happiness.
The growth of youngsters should be done in an ideal environment. An ideal environment can be provided by both home and school. I believe that an educational academy provides a more suitable atmosphere than a residence. The institution structured its study courses and atmosphere mainly for the development of children.
Growth of youngsters should be done in ideal environment. Ideal environment can be provided by both home and school. I believe that education institution provides more suitable atmosphere than at home. The institution structured its study courses and atmosphere mainly for the development for children.
It is often said that people tend to work for themselves instead of being hired by a company or organisation. This author believes that they are certain reasons for this occurrence, and the drawbacks of this idea are about to be debated as well.
In recent days, technology has developed a lot, and because of this, people have not paid attention to art. And also in schools, high school students do not have drawing lessons. Personally, I think every lesson is important.
For the time being, a large number of people claim that high school should increase hours of the painting. On the one way, I agree with the statement, because drawing improves children's imagination, moreover, pupils become less stressful. On the other way, I disagree, because we have more important subjects in our life, which related to our career.
There has been a large divergence of opinions revolving around whether to study at university or college or to get a job straight after school. This essay aims to elaborate on both viewpoints and I think studying at university or college after school should be underlined since I believe that degrees are vital elements for people to apply for good careers.
There is no doubt, that popular individuals are becoming the role models for the large number of people from all over the world. They are attractive, rich and confident, which makes their image so desirable to others, especially to youngsters. It is noticeable, that some teenagers are trying to copy their favourite star's looks or even habits nowadays.
Nowadays, people, especially young are trying different types of drugs and it does not matter for them if those substances are allowed by the government. There are some reasons and negative points of using drugs and also options to prevent this.
In the eyes of some, businesses are not only economic units generating wealth; rather, they should shoulder social responsibilities. I agree with this opinion as when doing so, businesses are indeed investing in their sustainable development.
In the age of globalisation, the role played by parents has been altered as compared to the past, and due to that, parents do not pay heed to look after their adolescents properly. In my perspective, there are negative consequences of this kind of shift, which along with the conclusion, would be perused in the forthcoming paragraphs.
The practice of keeping animal under lock and key to amaze people is historical and nowadays it has become the most feasible means of visiting wild creatures. Although, for people, zoos are great sources of learning about wild life, it is cruel to confine wild animal which are supposed to be free. personally, I completely agree that animals should not be kept in confinement and in the subsequent paragraphs I will be reasoning my stands.
Accommodation is one of the most important thing one must have. Thereore, many people raise their voices so that government provide housing facilities to the homeless. Personally, I completely agree with that and in the subsequent paragraphs, i will be reasoning my stands.
Many individuals say that they exclusively get a plus side from contemporary technology which is part of state-of-the-art technology. However, some humans say that there is no benefit from that . It seems to me that I totally agree with this statement because almost everything includes its minuses and as well as pluses .
It is generally argued that job hopping give employees more opportunities to gain better benefits for not only themselves but alsp their cooporation as well as community; dimetrically opposes that, others profound the idea that changing job exerts an adverse impact on both of abovementioned ones. Personally, I am of the opinion there are two sides of this issue.
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