IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, advanced computer inventions provide us with more flexibility and easy adaptation. After the pandemic situation , Many companies or many universities have been adopted by the governments. Especially Flourishing countries still need importantly using of computers such as Africa and the middle east areas.
Nowadays, plethora of environmental problems are faced by the world such as deforestation ,pollution ,the greenhouse effect and the depletion of ozone layer .However, it is commonly believed that , with the latest advent of technology it can be solved . I totally agree with the statement and my inclination are explained in trailed paragraphs .
It could be noticed that some of the young use smartphones for hours each day. There are certainly some causes to this phenomenon and I think that it is negative.
Today, it has become common for parents to be more focused on moulding their children to be best at everything. I believe this is not a favourable development as too much pressure on the young ones could have a detrimental effect on the little minds rather than helping them achieve heights. In this essay, I will provide reasons why I believe so.
Nowadays, the choice of gifts is not easy, especially for youngsters. Some people argue that the best option is money, whilst others do not agree with this idea. In my opinion, money is the best present for teenagers. In this ,essay I will discuss both points of view and I will also provide some examples.
Tobacco is a legal drug around the world. Taking into consideration smoking has highly negative effects on the body and that habit can be harmful. Thereby countries should treat tobacco as an illegal drug like class A drugs of the serious harm it causes.
It is true that people are getting older earlier due to poor weather conditions, climate change, unbearable stress and some severe illnesses. Undoubtfully it may affect the budget of the medical system. So some individuals claim that people should pay for health care in the foreseeable future. Personally, I absolutely disagree with this statement and this essay will extensively explain the reasons to support my opinion based on real-life examples.
Now a days, cities are overcrowded by people due to high growing population means more family member, what makes people to get a small affordable homes with or without small outdoor space. Therefore , less space means less freedom for kids or parents to move around. In my opinion, this rapid growing uncertain affect negatively on pollution, and people behaviour.
Undeniably, music is deemed as one of the most crucial elements of presenting cultural elements worldwide. Accordingly, some folks believe that it’s a proper medium to unite groups of people from disparate cultures and ages together. I completely agree with this view for several reasons which will be discussed in this essay.
It is a never ending debate whether the whole curriculam should be studied by the children even though they donot like majority of the subjects . Many feel that it is uncessary to study so much but other disagree to it . In my opinion having a basic knowledge of all the subject is very crucial and it can helps us to life our life in a better manner .
To begin with ,nowadays in some ,places attendance at cinemas is declining. Compared to the past now the community prefer home theatre.
Education is one of a most important problem that many people face. However, whether or not people should study in school from lessons with their teachers is a controversial issue. In my opinion, I believe that people can learn more knowledge than from lessons.
Some educational institutions from third-world regions are in demand of good staff, so they hire them from famous academies to develop the study sphere. Some think that this is not a good option and there are a lot of different ways to raise the level of training. I disagree with this argument because I believe that hiring better personnel is the best way to improve the quality of schooling in less developed countries.
Nowadays, more people start taking bicycles as a mode of transportation. Some people enjoy riding a bicycle, whereas others prefer taking a car in a town. Taking climate, health, and cost into account, I prefer taking a bicycle.
Straight after finishing school can be a really complex chapter in your life because from now on you have to decide what you are going to do with your life and how you will earn income. Young people face a lot of challenges, but in my opinion, the biggest one is unemployment.
Not every country do approve that the international tourism has a positive impact on their countries. There is a variety of reasons why they consider the negative influence on international tourism. Moreover, we can take steps to change their views.
Many people believe that robots have adverse influences on society and can be threatened human well-being. Others argue that robots and all kinds of mechanical machines are a vital role in our life and future development. In this essay, both sides’ arguments will be discussed, and I believe that robots are beneficial to us if we use them properly.
In many societies , only limited young people pursue teaching as their career . This essay will discuss the reasons for this issue and how it could be addressed by implementing various strategies.
It is controversial that if crime can be prevented by taking actions. In the essay, I am going to discuss my viewpoints and the reasons why I believe that there is something we can do before people commit a crime.
On the one hand, public think that parents and teachers should control childrens' behavior. On the other hand, other people claim that children should control them. From my point of view, on the one way, every children should have a 'controller', such as they can give them light future. On the other way, if parents give them freedom their children, it can cross them to crime.
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