IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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The government should invest money in teaching science rather than in other subjects for a country’s development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree
In recent years all over the world, language is essential for learning which leads to more knowledge growth in the future. Nowadays, many experts believe that children should begin to learn a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school, while others didn't think about this point. In my perspective, studying about language should begin as fast as you can teach to your own children.
It is often argued that internet development will bring about benefits for modern people's lives continuously. I strongly agree with the statement because of at least two pieces of evidence that have happened, including the positive impacts both on education and business fields.
In the modern world, taking risks is more important than doing nothing in the carrier lives and personal lives .There are so many advantages to taking risks and some disadvantages too. But in my point of view, it is more beneficial than detrimental.
For many centres, generally, pupils were educated , by attending to their teacher and by studying their books.These days, many school students study by using automation in the classroom rather What do you think are the merits and demerits of this development ?
• In ou modern life, few individuals navigate most of their lives living close to where they were born. Because of the majority of inhabitants prefer to traveling to neighboring countries than living all this life in the place where he was born. From my point of view, there are have a lot of advantages than disadvantages and in this essay, I will examine both pros and cons of living in the another country which is located near their hometown.
In the present day, areas for exercise and sports activities are available for everyone to use more comfortably.However, the population have become less healthy than in the past. In my opinion, two main issues for this are that most folk nowadays are lacking in time or money.
Anthropogenic activities like mining, deforestation and unplanned urbanization are all destroying the natural habitat of animals , thus leading to many species facing extinction or becoming vulnerable to being endangered.
In the era of technology, a majority of scholars love to play computerized games rather than go for physical activities. Although there is a number of reasons why these games are influencing children more than sports, parents and caretakers can handle these issues as well as government should also implement some policies to lure children toward outdoor activities.
According to a history of mankind, marriages for love are quite modern. This type of union started to earn a popularity only two centuries ago. To my mind, the marriage for love is a good option only for young couples.
Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to their diets. And vegetarism is becoming a globally increasing trend. There are certain advantages and disadvantages when only vegetable is eaten. Yet, I believe that people profit more from being a vegetarian.
Some teenagers access internet wihout any restrictions and use the internet to get along with other people. This can be a life threatening situation for some pre-teens. The primary problems of getting online without a supervision are acquiring erroneous information and get along with sexual predators. However, the most viable solution is that parents supervised the web-sites children are using during the day.
It is true that the advancement of technology in this contemporary era is evolving drastically. Therefore, some people believe that the innovation of mobile phones destroys social interaction. In this essay, we will discuss the impact of modern technology such as cell phones on our lives.
Public vehicles should be fully subsidied by government to promote the the campaign of "save the earth". I hold the view of government should provide free transportation to citizens from travelling one place to another, however, many of people disagree with this opinion. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and give reasons to support my agreement.
It is often argued that the government should finance committees that controls wellness issues instead of spending money on medicine and treatments. Although I believe that the state investment on early health issues prevention communities have a significant role in human life. I think that a proper funding on medicine stuff has a crucial part of its society.
Nowadays organizations tend to have internal rules for their employees. Some of them require workers to wear uniforms. Its regulation has its own negative and positive side.
In the last few years, some environmental issues have been becoming the main concern for specialists or even the public who care about the environment. Some folks think that the extinction of particular species of plants and animals is the main problem, while the others believe other environmental factors as the main problem. In the continue I will explain why both views are important from my point of view.
It is thought by some people that investment of the government in arts is lacking of benefits and waste of money and time, so they should pay attention to invest about public services to provide good service to any people. That I disagree with this view.
In this contemporary era, public and private automobiles are the best way to communicate from one place to another. However, in several regions, most individuals claim that it is important to spend huge amounts of money on building new railway line for very fast trains between cities. Others consensus that these should be spent on improving available public vehicles. This essay tends to discuss both the views and my opinion will be drawn before reaching to a reasonable conclusion.
There are some conflicting view on whether people should prefer team sport or solo sport . From my observation, although individual exert some great benefits, I would argue that combination sport deserves to picked more than its competitor.
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