IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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There is a growth in the depiction of disturbance on television in recent times. These are watched by both adults and children and there are concerns about the television shows’ behavioural impact on the kids. However, it is disagreed that such displays of violence are having a negative impact on children’s cognition. A brief look at the environmental impact on children as well as the parenting method can support this claim.
Nowadays, both genders are considered equal in all respects. Females have full-time jobs in many countries. So, it is necessary to share household chores equally between men and women. I completely agree with this trend. This essay shall discuss details of my stance with examples in subsequent paragraphs.
Our daily lives are filled with all kinds of advertising, which affects us in many ways. As far as I am concerned, I opine that it has more disadvantages than benefits to our lives. In the following paragraphs, I am going to discuss my viewpoints.
In today's modern world, technology has become a big part of the people's lives, especially, cell phones. While, it is a topic of great discussion whether moblie phones should be used only for personal use or for work I believe they play an important role in both these categories.
In this contemporary epoch, museums’ exhibitions have become a controversial argument. Whilst some proponents emphasize that art galleries should present national artworks, some opponents and I adopt a diverse stance because the merits of displaying foreign works of art exert a great deal of influence on inhabitants. In this essay, my contention will be further explained.
While some people are of the opinion that history is very important school subjects others believe that present day subjects like Science and Technology are more apropriate than history. I firmly support the statement that history is the one fundamental and basic shool subjects all time. Both sides will be discussed in this essay.
Nowadays, as technological development evolved, there are opportunities for students to study without leaving their homes. Many universities, especially after covid19 provide online courses for youngsters, as with everything, it has its negative and positive sides.
There is a growing controversy about the importance of giving homework to schoolchildren. Some believe that it should be discontinued, while others are to the contrary. This essay will discuss the two sides of the coin and will give my logical point of view after careful consideration of both ideas.
Opinions are divergent regarding the disproportionate amount of money spent on public events. Some people opine that the government should invest more in other major things such as technological equipment and environmental campaigns. While I overwhelmingly agree with this viewpoint, I also believe that celebrating public holidays every year has many advantages.
Governments and space stations throughout the world invest money into space research because of their useful applications and benefits for humankind. I completely agree with that statement because it helps us explore and explain all phenomena outside the Earth.
,Well I am a kind of a guy who agrees with the given statement that, members think that having a good friend who always agrees with you can lead to an easy life, while on the other hand having discussions about choices doesn't break a relationship either, it can only lead to the development of your theory in a number of perspectives that build you more patience down the line in improving the accuracy of conclusion and in life as well.
It is popular in some countries to convince youth individuals that anything is possible with stick work. It can sometimes motivate adolesscent by reminding them to work hard. From my point of ,view it has more pros than cons but also has disadvantages. In this ,essay I will examine both positive and negative conversational issues.
In this ultra-modern epoch, few chunks of society considered that it is significant to take risks in their career and also in their personal life. I firmly opine that the merits of this trend are eclipsed by its demerits.
Some people argue that books and newspapers will be free due to their availability on the internet. In my view, though printed commercial documents such as newspapers and books may disappear for some individuals in the future, I am deeply convinced that they will still be available for a certain amount of money. In this essay, firstly, I will discuss the essential role of money in the books and newspapers industries and ,secondly I will discuss the impact of the habits and beliefs of readers in these industries.
Valuing elder generation, and younger generation is varied with situation, and place. Some countries in the earth give importance to their aged people, and some states prioritized their young citizen. I completely agree with the later view. In this essay, I am going to explain, why old people are valuable, and why youngsters are necessary.
Today,Somebody has some argue that we have many chances and good opportunities in our life. I personally agree with this view that humans have a lot of chances due to their life also I think people should use their opportunities well.
Currently, owning a house in some countries rather than living in a rental one has become more crucial. In my opinion, this situation may have more negative impacts than positive ones and I would also like to argue that the reason behind such a choice is more of a social one.
It has been argued whether animals should be kept in zoos, I will examine both views and provide a plausible conclusion.
Although there is no doubt that individuals benefit from having a wide social network , I believe that still having one close friend can be more beneficial. In this essay I would like to explain The reason for taking this view.
• In our modern life, In a few cultures, children are frequently told that They can accomplish their aim, if they try to work hard enough. Because if a person decides to succeed he will be hard working. From my point of view, all parents should guide their child on the right path and there are a lot of advantages than disadvantages of all parents need to organize what their child needs to do to achieve their goals. In this essay, I will examine both pros and cons of achieving success.
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