IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Modern technology has replaced almost all of the traditional methods in all day to day activities. Some people argues that e-books and modern technology will completly replace the newspaper and magazines which are called as traditional channels for communicating information. I completly agree with this view and I will try to expain my view in this essay.
In this modern world, we look around each and every product has its own advertisement. Some people perspective that it lures us to purchase products that are not necessarily. Some others believe in something like promotion which is just introducing features and new models in the market. However, I strongly agree that advertising motivates buyers to buy some unwanted things.
It is believed that intelligence is the crucial important key to leadership. I completely disagree with the statement. The impending essay will elaborate on the same with a logical conclusion.
Some people argued that flora and fauna’s extinction is the most imperative issue to solve, others think there are many other global environment issues should be settled. Although I believe flora and fauna’s extinction is an emergency problem, I tend to think other environment problem is more significant than that.
Many countries have professional armies yet some countries such as Turkey still have compulsory military service. It is claimed that compulsory military benefit is beneficial for a country because it teaches its citizens how to fight in a war. However many people argue that compulsory military service should be abolished and Turkey should transition into a professional army because a professional army is more effective and compulsory military service is a barrier to young people's careers.
Foreigners have become more and more common in nations. Due to the development of transportation, social media and the communication technology, it has gotten easier to travel the world and even live in a foreign country. I believe that this phenomenon has some advantages, such as widening the views of the world. However, conflicts between different cultures can cause some negative effects as well. I will discuss my viewpoints in the essay.
It is commonly discussed whether corporations are supposed to assign higher compensations to top managers in comparison to other employees. This essay disagrees that workers holding high positions are entitled to disproportionately larger earnings. Firstly, this essay will discuss that obtaining a higher place in a corporate hierarchy doesn't necessarily require wider competence. Secondly, it will be analyzed that large wage gaps might affect lower-level workers' motivation significantly.
It is true that local popilace shows less inclination towards places of historical backgrounds and museums than tourists do. There are several reasona for this trend and various measures can be taken by government to improve this situation.
Nowadays, with technology developed, people who are living in most countries have freedom to choose work or study at home instead of traveling to office or college. Some people think work or study at home with internet is the advantage outweigh the disadvantage. I strongly agree with this mind.
In many nations, schooling is an essential to source of  youngsters’ life. And other believe that the government ought to spend lots of money on an unknowable adolescents who cannot read and write well. I completely agree with this view and think that authorities should spend more money on unknowable adults, because they may be well-qualified and important people who can be useful to society.
Children nowadays tend to lead unhealthy lifestyles. Some people think that schools must be responsible for changing this bad way of life, while others think that parents should bear the main responsibility.
Technology is flourished by leaps and bounds in each and evefry fields due to the innovation of the technology. Some people say that these automations have alter humankind lives who are the normal people in earlier technology advancement as compared to nowdays breakthrough. I strongly disagree with this statement for the following reasons in the upcoming paragraphs.
Pollution is nowadays a turning topic regarding the environment and human health. It is often argued that having a car free-day is efficient, however, others believe there are better ways to reduce pollution caused by cars. This essay is going to deeply analyze the two situations in the next paragraphs.
In life people sometimes find themselves dealing with bad situations ,and they tend to react differently to those problems .now,while its believed by many that these situations should be coped with and accepted ,some support the opinion that it is best for them to take advantage of that situation and try to develop and improve.I stand by the latter opinion and the following paragraph will illustrate further .
Some people claim that it should be compulsory for professionals to work in a country where they take their training but others say they have to go back to their home country so that they can help others. In my opinion, people should be free to work in any country they want and to justify this statement I will explain arguments with examples.
• In our modern life, the reinstatement of older In our modern life, the reinstatement of older structures in the greatest towns all around the world costs a gigantic amount of money. This money would be superior spent on providing new apartments and street evolution. This this essay agrees that, in the majority of countries the government spent the greatest amount of money to develop roads or providing new housing instead of fixing ancient buildings. First of all, the burning of ancient buildings should not be allowed to spend public money to develop, and ,,secondly it is better to build new buildings than to repair old ones.
In this contemporary epoch, surged increasing in morbidity rates regarding children has become a controversial argument. Whilst some opponents emphasise that the foster parents are in charge of this phenomenon, some opponents and I adopt a diverse stance. in this essay my contention will be further explained.
The restoration of old buildings in major cities around the world costs enormous amounts of money. This money would be better spent on providing new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In modern world, females are also working to support their families. Accordingly, other family responsibilities should be distributed between husband and wife. I agree with the argument, considering that we are approaching a inpartial society and working couple is the need of the hour where women also need an assistance in return.
Despite the different innovations in farming, a number of the world’s populace still go without food.
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