IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, one of the widely discussed issues is that many point out that the life become more better in cold climates whereas other ones select living in sunny counties. In my point of view, cold weather conditions is more beneficial for most of individuals. In this essay, I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
A good way to encourage people to stay united is by funding community facilities such as centres of free time. From my point of view, I completely agree with this statement, because it will stimulate a good community spirit. In the following essay I am going to present other effective measures.
''Are you satisfied with your job?'' Nowadays this is an important question asked by many employers themselves due to the fact that people dedicate a lot of other primarily important aspects of their lives until getting retirement.According to my personal experience, most people are not enjoying their carrier.
In recent times, the Rise of Garbage is a global issue all over the world.This essay examines some of the troubles caused by debris on the entire planet and suggests some viable remedies to curb the grave concerns.
Nowadays, most of people argue about one of the most controversial issues that the numbers of male and female students should be equalized in every subject in university. However, the majority of others completely unaccept the policy. In my opinion, this policy is not really suitable for reality and justice, and I do not recommend all of universities to do that.
Technology has changed the way of living conspicuously in that people’s habits have undertaken remarkable vicissitudes in recent years; one of the aforementioned habits is the habit of reading. Regarding this fact, some people opine that printed newspapers and books will not be bought by people in the future now that all literatures can be read online without any payment. I highly agree with this notion because of many reasons, and I am going to describe two of them in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays one of the widely discussed issues is many people like better actions and way of life in piping hot weather conditions others choose living living in cool climates. It is undeniable that weather has become an integral part of our life.However, there is no absolute agreement as some people find it is beneficial , while others consider everything associated with it is negatively. In this essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Nowadays one of the widely discussed issues is many people like better actions and way of life in piping hot weather conditions others choose living living in cool climates. It is undeniable that weather has become an integral part of our life.However, there is no absolute agreement as some people find it is beneficial , while others consider everything associated with it is negatively. In this essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Nowadays one of the widely discussed issues is many people like better actions and way of life in piping hot weather conditions others choose living living in cool climates. It is undeniable that weather has become an integral part of our life.However, there is no absolute agreement as some people find it is beneficial , while others consider everything associated with it is negatively. In this essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Nowadays one of the widely discussed issues is many people like better actions and way of life in piping hot weather conditions others choose living living in cool climates. It is undeniable that weather has become an integral part of our life.However, there is no absolute agreement as some people find it is beneficial , while others consider everything associated with it is negatively. In this essay I will examine both pros and cons of this controversial issue.
Plastic, that have ejected to the ocean leads devastating effects to the hydro-ecosystem. This essay will discuss about some problems like destroy of sea flora and fauna and realizes of toxic gases and offer solutions for these problems such as stop throwing out plastic manufacture to the ocean as solution for 1st problem and solution to the 2nd is recycling plastic.
Education plays an indispensable role in both individual and social developments. Some people argue that academic curriculums, such as algebra, history and physics, should grab more attention, while other people think that practical skills, including time management and banking, should also be included in mandatary education. In my opinion, both of these two skills are vital for young generation as well as the society.
Some people belief that all students should study what they interested in, however, there are people who think that students must learn science and technology. In my opinion, young human should study only that they love. This essay will examine both sides.
The demand of oil and gas is increasing day by day due to the rapid industrial establishment and the over population. So, to overcome this high demand of oil and gas, many countries in the world have searched new sources of fuel in the remote forest. I think, the disadvantages of this activity surpass the advantages. In this disquisition, I will delineate some pros and cons of this work.
It is considered that childhood is very fertile for learning. Specialists’ conviction is better to start educating a second language to a pupil while in primary level. Such policies lead to a better understanding of the language. However, some other experts claim that schools should not give the burden of over-learning to children. In this essay, I will analyse the merits and demerits of embarking overseas language in primary school.
In our daily life, every subject offers the same advantage not only for children but also adults. It depends on personal interest to study for a career in the future. Some people believe that we should spend time and money on the essential subjects instead of creative subjects such as music classes. In the following paragraph, both of these views will be discussed in detail.
It is considered that childhood is very fertile for learning. Language specialists’ conviction is better to start educating a second language to a pupil while in primary school. Such policies lead to better understanding of language to the children. However, some other specialists claim that school should not give the burden of over learning to the children. In this essay, I will analyse the merits and demerits of embarking overseas language in primary school.
People's opinion differs as to whether schooling at the age of 7 or at an early age is more advantageous. Personally, I agree with the latter point of view.
In this contemporary era, education plays a crucial role in every person’s life. A number of students in university mostly prefer academic study, but they should also know about other vocational skills. According to my prespective, I totally agree with this statement .
Topic discussing global warming was highly anticipated by every people in the world. Lots of disasters including extreme floods, wildfires, droughts and the extinction of animals nowadays are more commonly seen in our life. So, many governments are now trying to prevent global warming and the effect it has on our environment. So, what is global warming?
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