IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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The restoration of old buildings in major cities around the world costs enormous amounts of money. This money would be better spent on providing new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In modern world, females are also working to support their families. Accordingly, other family responsibilities should be distributed between husband and wife. I agree with the argument, considering that we are approaching a inpartial society and working couple is the need of the hour where women also need an assistance in return.
Despite the different innovations in farming, a number of the world’s populace still go without food.
In the era of digital marketing and social media, companies seek to persuade their customers through advertisements. However, these advertisements can be harmful to people's lives. I believe that if the announcement is used in a good manner, it could be helpful to the market.
In today’s society, many people believe that the life was better when technology was simpler . I totally agree with this opinion because it not only provide extremely profits to life but also becomes a device like mass media.
The world has experienced a multitude of changes ever since its inception. some4 have been shortlived while others are ephemeral,one such change is the rise of online shopping which has become the trend nowadays. this essay will discuss why this might be the case and the effects of its rising popularity.
In this contemporary epoch, school subjects have become controversial arguments. Whilst some opponents emphasize that humanitarian subjects are not core materials, some proponents and I adopt a diverse stance because history and literature broaden students' horizons. In this essay, both views, along with my perspective will be further elaborated.
It is argued that bicycles should be used in cities instead of using cars and public transport, which must be banned from these busy areas. This essay agrees that bicycles are used because it reduces global warming and is eco-friendly.
Nowadays, violence on social media is become more common. While some individuals agrue that these trends will some bring dangerous consequences, others believe that it will not affect how people act. In my opinion, violence on media does bring a tremendous impact to each individuals.
Asking for directions 1.You want to buy some bread but you don’t know how to get to the bakery. What does you say when you want to get to to the bakery? Key: Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the bakery? 2.You are lost something and you want to go to the police station to ask for help. What does you say when you want to get to to the police station? Key: Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the police station? Excuse me. Would you please show me the way to the nearest police station? 3.Look at the map and help the man/ woman how to get to Ridgeview Theater? (You are at the City Museum.) Key: Go along Moon Street to Rushmore Avenue and turn left. You'll see Ridgeview Theater on your right. 4.You want to go to the convenience store to buy food and drinks but you do not know how to use the fastest mean of transportation to get there. What does you say when you want to know the fastest transportation to get the place you need? Key: What's the fastest way to get to the conv...
There have been different kinds of emotions in Humans senses since the first time a person heard melody or a song. These feelings can be anxiety, sadness , happiness or something else, which usually seem to be in the same form among different societies. I totally agree that music can bring various cultures and ages together just by listening to a special song In the continue, I would explain my reasons to this argument.
Nowadays, natural resources dwindle. Therefore, people realize the value of these resources and make efforts to find solutions for preserving them. It is true that all enterprises are essential to manufacturing long-lasting products. From my perspective, I partly agree with this point of view.
Retirement at the life of 65 is common these days and some masses believe that people are not allowed to do the job after the maturity of 65 but some are in support of another side of this context. This essay evaluates both views and draws a logical conclusion in the end.
In today's world with the advancement in technology, mobile phones have become an important tool in all our daily life. However, few schools have chosen to restrict the use of mobile phones within their campus as this would be having a considerable impact on the education and physical well-being of students. In my opinion, it is a positive development as it would improve the student's focus on academics, but not only that this also benefits the health of students.
Authorities advocate the usage of public transportation while encouraging not to utilize personal vehicle's in some countries. Having an effective public commuting system will definitely help the city's ecosystem but also can have negative effects as well.
nowadays, new inventions of technology is being used is increasing day by day in our life. the trend's benefit are more than a this essay outline the advantages and disadvantages of technology.
Nowadays, an increase of popularity of technology has become a cause for concern for many people and this might have negative effect on the traditional media such as newspaper and printed books to be disappeared in the future. In my point of view, I partly agree with the statement and some points will be addressed in the following paragraphs.
Renovation is a responsible way of using resources because it involves the preservation of what we have already built. Of course, rebuilding can sometimes be expensive. Still, it is better than building altogether new structures.
It is argued that the amount of packaging should be made to be a responsibility of the manufacturers and shops. However, some people contend that individuals should be the ones avoiding purchasing items with plenty of packaging, In this essay, we will discuss both sides of the coin and will give a logical conclusion after careful consideration of both sides of the argument.
In this modern era, some schools do not approve teenagers to use their mobile phones. Some individuals believe that teenagers should be spend their time with friends and concentrate to study while others disagree with this idea and think that they able to use mobile phones for learning by internet. In this essay, the reasons to support my disagreement will be discussed in detail.
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