IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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Some people believe that the government should finance civil onset like retirement pensions for adults instead of spending its budget on public services like agent needs while others say individuals should save their funds during their working period. This essay will delve into the upcoming paragraph and subsequently will explore perspective in turns.
These days, due to the advancement in technologies, machinery and awareness it has become really difficult for a senior secondary student to decide a career in various fields. In some countries, teenagers are motivated to work or travel before starting university studies. In this essay, both benefits and drawbacks will be discussed before my opinion is reached.
Recently, there are arguments about the workplace of professionals such as doctors and engineers The proponents believe that they should serve the country where they were trained, and the opponents give the opinions that people have the right to choose where they want to develop their careers. The following essay is about both two points of view, followed by my thoughts that support the latter.
In the present day, the age of technology is developing rapidly so more and more smartphone and laptop users try to take advantage of e-books and online press. Therefore, traditional magazines and printed records will disappear because everything will be available and free to download from the Internet. For my part, I completely agree with this changing reading habit based on the following reasons below.
In the present day, the age of technology is developing rapidly, and more and more smartphone and laptop users try to take advantage of e-books and online press. Therefore, traditional magazines and printed records will disappear because everything will be available and free to download from the Internet. For my part, I completely agree with this changing reading habit based on the following reasons below.
At this time children watch television more than children in the past and this decreases their activity. although there are some specific reasons that have led to the occurrence of this problem, there are some solutions that could be conducted to deal with this problem.
With the development in the field of technology like artificial intelligence and machine learning, it has brought in many advancements in the automobile industry. As a result, one such invention is autonomous vehicles which was a distant dream a few decades ago has become a reality now. However there are pros and cons of this discovery, I strongly believe the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages.
Nowadays, more and more people are affected by fitness issues such as well-being and heart disease which are linked to overconsumption of cheap mass-produced food .Some public belief the only so;caution is to make fast meals less affordable by taxing them highly .Despite the severity of the problem ,I think this is quite wrong .Increasing fast food would unfairly penalise people and may not necessarily bring about the desired health benefits.
Education plays a vital role for every nation. Some communities opine that homework should not be given by teachers at home. However, another teacher at home. However, other populations believe that it is necessary to achieve higher scores in school. This essay intends to discuss both views and give an opinion.
Nowadays, traffic and transport are big issues in every developing country. Many societies believe that the community should be motivated to stay in the city side instead of the countryside. It is beneficial to mitigate this hassle. I disagree with this statement. I will explain my points in a further paragraph.
Many countries are struggling with environmental issues which are needed to be resolved. There are those who believe that authorities should allocate money to other works rather than wildlife which more money is used for that. I am of the opinion that spending more money on promoting awareness and public services would be a more effective usage.
Advertisements play a significant key role for the people. Few companies like to sponsor sportsmen to attract people. Many communities think it is a great thing to do. However, other public opines that it brings myriad disadvantages. This essay intends to discuss both views and give an opinion.
It is often argued that people's life is much better and more comfortable compared to the past 100 years. I strongly agree with this statement and, I will discuss what are the benefits and demerits of these changes and I think that public has better life compared to past centuries because of the invention of the internet, improvement in transportation along with electricity and, I will explain my reasons for it in the upcoming paragraphs.
An increasing poverty rate in many countries causes charity operations to become considerably significant. It seems that devoting part of the wage to charities is not worthwhile, and I will explain why in this essay.
Nowadays, the significance of environmental protection is being widely recognised. While some people perceive that there's nothing individuals can do to cope with large-scale environmental issues, others believe that authorities won't achieve anything regarding this without the assistance of individuals. In this essay, I shall discuss both views in depth, and then illustrate why I believe the participation of individuals is crucial to solving these issues in the environment.
In today's s era, with the help of , technology it is very easy for people to commute between countries. Though it is an undeniable fact that now it is more convenient for individuals to travel to different countries rather than in past. This phenomenon has major advantages which can overlook the drawbacks to society, my arguments will be justified in the ensuing paragraph.
Years from now, people will no longer need to buy books or newspapers because they will be available free online. I am of the opinion that this is true and my stance will be highlighted in this essay.
The time of digitalization has improved all aspects of human life. Especially the way we communicate with each other is not still the same as before, because innovative technologies give people an opportunity to reach somebody from everywhere in the world in a few seconds. But, while we are able to call or message somebody, the amount of personal meetings in our life is decreased. This essay will argue that the benefits of this new way of communication through the Internet or mobile phone offset the drawbacks entailed by this state of affairs.
With industrialization and increasing population, traffic and housing problems are increasing likewise. A possible solution to this predicament is displacing big industries and companies from major cities to the countryside. While I believe it to be an effective initiative, it has noticeable drawbacks too.
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