IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, a plethora of citizens argue that painting and music are not relevant to exist in the modern era. They advocate that the authorities do not have to allocate an enormous budget to the previous ecosystem. However, I disagree with the earlier contention in view of art is always required. I will detail my perspective in the following paragraphs.
Museum has an essential role in societies as a place to preserve all the ancient things. Nowadays some museums can be visited by societies without any fee. Although there are downsides to this issue, I strongly believe the merits are stronger than the demerits because it is crucial to help administrators maintain the existence of the building.
Nowadays, people are always with their busy work schedules to cover their lives in many ways. While a lot of individuals think determination and hard work are the main factors for being successful, I totally believe that other factors are more important to be a part of success in life.
One of the most worrying trends is the considering number of criminal activities caused by violent movies or episodes. Some believe that the authorities should be involved to intervene and reduce illegal activities. I agree with this notion to a large extent as the media can be a powerful weapon to transmit inappropriate information to the community.
The world is the best place to explore. Therefore, travelling to other countries has merits as well as demerits. Analysing that I believe, the advantages of international tourism outweigh the disadvantages as visitors boost the economy and many nations get to share their unique culture and tradition around the globe. However, some people might disrespect the traditional prospects while their visit.
A significant number of youngsters migrate to various parts of the world to pursue their studies. In my perspective, it has more advantageous since demerits have a short-term impact, whereas in the long-term it is fruitful for the learners and the nation.
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of young offenders, causing widespread concern among the public. Therefore, it is suggested that providing parents with parental skills can be the most effective solution to overcome this issue. Personally, I believe that joint efforts of both parents and schools are necessary to decline youth crimes.
In this cutting-edge era, a number of parents do not care for their children as they give them more right for performing any work. I totally agree with this notion. this essay will discuss reasons for having more opportunities for children which will be elaborated on in the subsequent paragraphs.
A successful company rely greatly on the overall performance of its workforce. So in order to have significant productivity, corporations must help their personnel to have a work-life balance and recognize their achievements and reward them properly.
Across the ages, the significance of maintaining optimal health can be seen through well-balanced sleep.Day by day groups of people being to have issues with getting enough sleep. This essay will clarify the main causes of this problem and propose some possible measures that can be taken.
The public nowadays has become materialistic and people do not hesitate to buy more and more consumer things like ornaments and daily household furniture like microwaves, television or vacuums. This phenomenon has both, positives as well as negatives, but definitely, drawbacks are more.
The most controversial issue today relates how to impact the of social media such as Facebook , Twitter, what’s Up and Snapchat on the generation. I strongly agree with this statement. In this essay , I am going to examine this question then I will give my own opinion
With the advancement of cutting-edge technologies, using computers and digital platforms in the learning process is a controversial issue among stakeholders. This is because it can have many benefits and drawbacks in various ways. I will posit some arguments regarding this concept in this essay.
It is often argued that in today's advancing world, the use of drugs is becoming a new norm among teenagers, and they are becoming involved in this rueful drug culture, without realising whether they are legit or not. Researchers believe that this is due to neglect of the guardians, who are responsible for setting a good example. This essay will further highlight the reasons and some ways to resolve this growing issue in our community.
Professions like doctors and engineers play a pivotal role in society.Their work is often a matter of debate.While a few believe it should be solely based on one’s personal choice rather than social norms.But, a few are on the opposite side of the coin. In this ,essay I will be discussing both views and explain the reasons behind why I believe the former is better.
Nowadays, some people say that spending to improve the public transport system and decrease the cost of its ticket will be helpful for reducing pollution from transport. From my standpoint, I agree with this belief.
In some nations, the improvement in supermarkets could paralyse small businesses and so some people believe that this will lead to the closure of many local communities. I completely agree with the statement because these huge shopping marts provide lower prices and various choices of their products.
Some people consider shopping as a part of leisure activity rather than only buying things. Unfortunately, with the rise of online shopping, many people have fears because physical shops may be out of business someday. In this essay, I will show why this thought might be true.
In today's digital age, visual and non-visual media have become a powerful medium of communication around the world. Crime content seems to be more popular than before. This essay will discuss the main reason behind this popularity, and in my opinion why I firmly reject this kind of show.
In certain parts of the globe, trials involving criminal activities are broadcasted for the general public which offers several advantages along with disadvantages. Through the following essay, I would like to draw attention to both the pros and cons of such a method and enlighten the reasons why I believe that the pros easily outstrip the cons.
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