IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, life is ruined at a faster pace. People are so busy they need more facilities and support so they can manage their life. Here comes a government that played an important part by providing facilities from which one is transportation. The government offers different kinds of transportation facilities to the public and also builds infrastructure for them. Many people believe the government has to concentrate on building more roads. In contrast, some people might believe have an opinion that authorities should have to build more railways rather than roads. I firmly believe that spending money on making roads are more beneficial for the public instead of making railways.
Attaining and retaining a sense of happiness is a lifelong dream for many people. However, whether it comes from within or without has been a matter of debate in recent years. In my view, everyone should take on the responsibility of their happiness.
In the modern era, unemployment is on the rise and so are the people that are actively searching for a job that suits their qualifications. Whether they should be assigned some volunteering work while they are receiving benefits from the state is a topic of serious debate. In my opinion, I am a high-profile proponent of employment seekers giving back to the community in one way or the other, or else they would be a burden on the nation's economy.
It is widely acknowledged that lecturers should be experienced in a particular field. Overqualified old people can teach as a lecturer in some countries. In my opinion, education with professionals has many positive effects on students. This is because their experience involves not only theoretical but also practical. This essay aims to explore why professionals` experiences are significantly important and this essay will provide examples to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.
Nowadays, some people believe that newspapers are the best media to read news, while others argue by mentioning online media. In fact, I side with those who said that online media is better than newspapers. The following paragraphs will explore both points of view with examples.
In spite of the serious work of the authorities in developed countries to improve the health care system , all standard of physical health is declining.In this essay, we will discuss the main causes that result in this problem and its effects in the long term.
A group of individuals claims that having a history subject in a student's academics is required. However, another group believes that subjects like science and Technology are more important in education rather than subjects like history. Therefore before attending my view, both opinions should be examined.
Nowadays, business tends to highlight new variants of their commodities. In my opinion, it occurs because they want to increase profit-making sales, but I believe that this way also causes negative sides.
The basic need to communicate with foreigners is to learn their language first. There is a debate within the population about whether occupation or expedition purposes are the only testimonies for the acquisition of a new dialect or whether there are other factors as well. In this essay, I will discuss both ideas and illustrate my agreement with the latter opinion.
Having healthy public people is one of the essential dreams for every government. Some individuals believe that enhancing sports equipment is very useful, but others think it should evaluate the other factors as well. There are rational arguments on both sides of this challenging topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own opinion.
Nowadays, individuals feel that undergraduates who perform excellently in their assessments should be acknowledged. While others assume otherwise and that individuals who make efforts in their academic performance need to be given prizes instead. In this essay, I will discuss views of both dialogue and my opinion.
It is true that some people believe that waste from homes is not enough to be recycled. However, they argue that the only way to increase recycling is for lawmakers to make it legal. This essay will give reasons why I agree with this statement.
Nowadays, there is a significant number of employees having problems with their health due to lacking exercise in both working and leisure time. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this problem and also suggest some solutions.
Nowadays, more people these days still believe that officers, especially doctors and engineers need to be placed in a specific area, partly others also think they can freely choose whether to work in or outside their country in the future.
A large group of the population in different countries nowadays falls prey to an imbalanced lifestyle. From my point of view, this is indeed a negative development. With this way of living, not only people are damaging their physical health, but their mentality is also critically affected.
Opinions are divided as to whether people give important to take risks in terms of professionally and personally. In my opinion, while there are drawbacks to taking risks. I believe that it brings about much more benefits.
There are not only advantages of being famous among the masses but, there are also problems with being a film star, sports personality etc. In my opinion, being a celebrity has much more disadvantages due to lack of privacy and annoying paparazzi.
In this fast-moving technological world, the attention of children towards museums and historic sites has dropped substantially. They are more interested in visiting technological attractions than historical places and museums. Therefore, some people believe that these locations should be open for free to children under 18 years old. From my perspective, I believe that making these sites free for minors will help the museums attract more youngsters. However, it might cause some financial problems for these places.
For decades, having Smartphones is being increased among kids as time goes by. This is because technology has an important role in everyday life and this is a totally negative development. In this essay, I will give answers to both questions relevantly.
The statement suggesting that our personality is more influenced by the characteristics we are born with than the experiences we gain throughout life is a topic I fundamentally disagree with. I will present two compelling reasons to support my stance.
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