IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It has been opined that the high authorities should not charge a high amount to the students for learning at colleges. I completely agree with this statement as it is necessary to bring a good change in society, and the same will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
It is argued that the government must take some action regarding young people who are facing obesity and health problem. From my point of view, I disagree with the notion as of the government should take measures related to the bigger issues. This essay will outline the reasons why this issue should not be handled by the related authority.
These days, polluted air is one of the highly uncontrolled issues, however, it mainly happens in big cities. In this essay, I will examine the reasons leading to atmospheric pollution and give some causes, and give my own opinion on the solution to the latter,
Asian parents are often criticised for using corporal punishment against their children. I personally believe that education through pain compliance is unhealthy. I will explain my reasons in the following essay and I recommend a thorough approach to the consideration of the best methodology in respect of behaviour control.
In the modern world there exists a bitter controversy about who among school students should secure more merits. Some people think that those who provide outstanding performance in the academic field deserve to be renowned, whereas others reckon that academic achievements do not play a prominent part and that success is determined by disparate awards in life. In my opinion, good marks do not necessarily form the bedrock of becoming venerated.
Currently, the usage of technology has taken on the world. Frequent usage of laptops could cause many harmful impacts on our youngsters rather than their benefit. I strongly concur with this statement that using computers every day by our offspring can have more bad effects on them than good aspects. I will explain further my reasons with examples.
In the contemporary era, it has been observed that the percentage of crimes in the world has increased tremendously. Well, there are a number of reasons for this scenario. However, in general, psychology and poverty are said to be the two major causes of crimes. This essay will elucidate the reasons and provide possible solutions in order to reduce or eradicate the crime rate in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Whether children should read books by themselves or with their parents is a question faced by many parents today. This article will explore more about this issue and share my opinion.
There is a trend for females to build a family in their thirties these days. I strongly agree with the statement since married is a long-life commitment. Those conditions have merits in the community as well as in women's life.
The majority of society opines that not only teachers ought to examine students but also their peers are allowed to do the same thing. However, educational institutions need teachers' evaluation from the learners. Personally, I favour this argument which will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs.
It is argued that some food companies should settle a higher price which leads residents harder to afford their products and decreases their sugar intake because that is a disadvantageous way for diets to influence their health. I do believe that is a beneficial method for inhabitants to avoid the disease.
It is reckoned that an online language translation app can do individuals lots of benefits in this day and age. From my prospect, It seems to me that a large percentage of the merits are appearing, in parallel, many demerits are turning up either.
Nowadays, humans are bordering on digital and physical advertising due to affecting the individual's thinking and negatively impacting people's lives. I strongly agree with the statement because commercials have influenced our priorities as well as provided unrealistic standards.
Throughout history, the importance of a wealthy nation has always been a priority for the leaders. Many officials claim the financial form of development is the most valuable type of promotion for a country. While on the other hand, others consider other sorts of growth as equal to the former. In this essay, both ideas will be discussed separately and, in the end, I will illustrate my agreement with the latter opinion.
It is true that an increasing number of patients are willing to (tend to) use unconventional types of treatment and medication as a replacement for the scientific way of curing. While both of them have their own benefits, I believe that conventional methods of therapy are more effective and safer.
Nowadays, there are a lot of problems on Earth, and one of them is global warming, which has become a serious issue. As a result, polar ice caps will melt and the hole in ozone will get bigger which will kill people. Nevertheless, this issue can be tackled by implementing strict rules by the government.
Global warming Is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What problem does this cause? what can be done to deal with this situation?
Some would say that teaching how to socialize is the parents` responsibility, while others would argue that children could learn it at school. This essay will argue that although the education system aims to provide social skills, parents should show what is right and what is wrong.
Some academics who are doing their tertiary education who concern about gaining knowledge in a variety of fields because they are very enthusiastic about different areas as same like individuals who have various kinds of talents and desires. Others argue that it is more important to stay in focus on the main domain in terms of fulfilling future carrier requirements. I believe that during a higher education learners must target job-oriented subjects because it is laying strong basement for their profession.
In the contemporary era, the level of competition in education is very high. It is because of this reason that only a few students who are good at academics get into a reputed institute. Hence, it is often argued whether everyone should have access to university programs irrespective of how much they score. I disagree with them, and this essay will elucidate my assertions in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Higher educational programs after school should be limited to the rank holders while others should have very limited access to them. I completely disagree with this statement as education is the key factor to getting a good lifestyle. More people will be employed as education is the key factor in getting employed and a higher literacy rate helps a country to develop.
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