IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, internet-based media are more beneficial for people in terms of maintaining relationships with loved ones and staying updated with the news. Converse that, it is a leading time waster and leads to some mental illnesses. Despite its ,drawbacks I strongly believe that online social platforms provide greater convenience for human lives.
Advancements in technology have paved the path to modernisation all around the world, however, there are predominantly two contrasting views, where a section of society asserts that history plays a most predominant role in school syllabus, whereas, other people claim that teaching science and technology is more crucial as comparison to the past. According to my perspective, history is not much important subject nowadays.
Money is an essential part of life. The important question about earned money is how someone spends those. Some people urge that we should spend our earnings enjoying life , and others believe saving is more important than enjoying the present. In this ,essay I shall discuss the merit and demerits of both these views along with my opinion.
The best time for someone to learn something new is at a young age. At this age, they have to learn which things are right and wrong. But some parents are giving them punishment as a learning complement. Personally, i disagree with this statement and this writing will extend the reasons and give the solutions.
Some people have different perspectives on their working life. Some of them prefer to change their colleagues or working places frequently. While the others, prefer to stay in the same circumstances. In my view, it is better to gain more experience in different working environments. This writing will be given both sides' views and the author's opinions.
Children are often told that everything can be successful if they strive hard enough in some cultures. Otherwise, they are not able to earn any achievements. In my prospect, It seems to me that the thought has both merits and demerits.
The increase in crime rate nowadays has brought about controversy if the severity of the crime committed should determine the penalty given regardless of the circumstances surrounding each sin. There are valid points to both views, however, I am of the opinion that offenders' situations should be considered when issuing punishment.
In this contemporary epoch, the literacy rate increasing among the population, so some people claim that any student, regardless of background should be released from their tuition fee. Since by mentioned effort level of education will rise, but varsities' worth and competitive environment will disappear, the following essay will aim at outlining my partial agreement with the aforementioned statement.
Although it is considered by some that individuals younger than 18 years old should have forbidden from being out later than midnight, others disagree with this statement. This essay will discuss both views. In my opinion, I believe they should avoid going out at late hours.
In recent times, there is an increase in the number of violent scenes in digital media especially on television. This could have a detrimental effect on the children who are watching it. I strongly agree with this claim and this essay will examine the reasons with empirical evidence.
Inevitably , education has been claimed for playing a key role to knock on the door of success and developing a sense of independence in an individual's life. In the present scenario, it is easily accessible to the people; whereas, a fair amount of people are still illiterate .If possible measures were taken by the law to reduce it, many more youngster would improve their economic and social standings . In this essay , I will shed light upon ,simultaneously,both disadvantages and solutions before embarking on the conclusion.
It had been frequently argued that libraries are a mode of providing knowledge of historical events, however, such buildings could also be used to entertain. In my perspective, museums always acknowledge people about their ancestors, no matter if it could be in the form of fun.
Seldom does the press pay attention to those middle-aged business owners as they are not categorized as geniuses like those who succeed at a relatively young age. Some career coaches might even claim that it's better to decide on one's expertise at an early age instead of risking its career by switching jobs or professions. However, I personally believe that the merits of stepping out of the comfort zone can override the demerits and in the following essay, I would elaborate on the reasons.
Living beings are facing the detrimental impacts of the increasing population across the globe. I agree with the statement and I would evident this with possible reasons in upcoming paragraphs.
With technological advancement, old items are quickly being replaced by newer ones. The life span of products has shortened as almost every day new developments are seen in one or another field which makes existing products useless. The same applies to the radio, where easy availability of the Internet and television have replaced radios and no one wants to listen to the shows when they actually can see visual expressions of the artists on the TV set. I see myself favouring the given statement and putting forth my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Due to advancements in technology, the world has become a small village;that being so,it is common for people to move from one country to another.This essay will discuss some of the main reasons and the results of immigration in upcoming paragraphs.
Some people argue that human activity negatively impacted biodiversity globally. A few have a notion that there is no scope for change and on the other side many believe that possible actions can bring change.
Some people argued that taking risks in their life will boost their working career and personal achievement. I generally agreed that these kinds of characters should be embraced because there are many demerits rather than demerits.
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