IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Some people argue that undergraduates should devote their time and effort to their qualifications. In my opinion, however, it would be more beneficial if they are given the opportunity to add extra subjects to their chosen courses.
Nowadays, an abundance of true crime newspapers and news channels have surfaced on various media outlets. Some people contend that this may have grave consequences. As a result, it should not be broadcasted on public TV. However, there have been opposing views regarding this matter. Both sides will be taken into consideration and concluded in this essay.
There is an argument that all levels of education should be free for every people in order to the extreme development of the country. In my opinion, I totally agree with this idea since education plays a vital role in the country 's advancement in all aspects and still has a significant number of people lacking fundamental schooling accessibility.
It is often argued that the major issue with the environment these days is not just losing a specific specie of an animal or a plant, but it goes way beyond that and involves various other elements like air pollution. This essay will discuss both these aspects and will share important facts regarding them.
It is often considered by most individuals that live in the twenty-first century to be stress-free and they are happier than the humans of previous times. Although in this modern era, people have advanced technology which makes their work easier than in previous times, I would argue that individuals of previous centuries were more healthy, happy and lived in stress-free environments.
Technology has taken a toll on almost every single product, likewise, the automotive industry is getting advanced by launching self-driven vehicles which are becoming the new favourite choice of the public. Considerably, these rides are not only more reliable but also offer many features apart from the normal four-wheelers. I believe this trend will keep evolving and will become common in the upcoming years.
it is often argued that all students should be given an equal opportunity to get admission into a university without considering their previous grades. I partially agree with this statement as it will encourage more students to apply for higher education, but at the same time, it might admit people who do not have true potential. However, this essay will further highlight the causes and will discuss them in depth.
It is commonly believed by some individuals that class tests in school should be avoided. I firmly disagree with the above statement to a huge extent and this essay will explain the reasons supporting my views.
Some people argue that Most of everyone's achievement origins from fortune and it is hard to do everything smoothly without it. Consequently, they frequently blame themselves for not being as lucky as others. I totally disagree, and my view will be explained in this essay.
People can face a number of difficulties while learning a foreign dialect. In my opinion, the most common struggles are learning grammar and practising talking. I believe the best solutions for these problems are not only to have a good tutor but also to talk a lot with native speakers.
It is often argued that some humankind considers spending a huge amount of money on setting up new railway lines for fast trains between towns is very crucial, while some other individuals think that money should be spent on enhancing existing infrastructure.In this essay, I will discuss both these views, and I will give my opinion.
Taking risks has a significant role in people’s lives, whether in their professional or personal lives. In this essay, I am going to investigate in which ways the merits of this state are more than the demerits of that.
It is often believed that people these days prefer to be indoors in their own comfort zone , instead of going outside the house. Most people have adopted this lifestyle post-pandemic, as they had to stay inside entirely for two years. However, it has both positive and negative outcomes, this essay will highlight and discuss them.
Many corporations are sponsoring sporting events or teams as an efficient marketing tool. Some believe this trend exerts negative impacts on sports. I somewhat agree with this.
Some people believe that being an adult brings a lot of happiness despite higher levels of responsibility. Others think that the teenage years of most people are the happiest ones in their lives. In my opinion, teenagers are facing a lot of fun moments for the first time, so they are happier than adults.
Family plays a crucial role in developing an individual's personality. Even though the development of a kid strongly depends on the family, external factors also play a significant part in it. In my opinion, a person's behaviour solely depends on that individual's family.
The Internet without a doubt plays an important role in making our life easy. Holding business gatherings and coaching from the comfort of our homes can be one of those positive outcomes. In this essay, I will state why using the internet to meet, discuss and train can bring more pros to our jobs and studies than the physical ones.
Some individuals believe that we are living in the most successful era in human history. I completely agree with the given statement, and I believe the stage of early humans' cognitive development would also be an appealing part of the human past.
In recent years, eating fast food is very popular around the world. Besides that, the number of fans and restaurants is increasing all the generations. In this essay, I will explain why the drawbacks of consuming this meal overshadow the benefit.
It is said that some people feel annoyed after watching advertisements, and they acknowledge that these irritating things cannot affect their buying psychology. From my point of view, I agree with this notion but partly.
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