IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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No doubt , schools are the main place where children get knowledge about everything however in many nations learners pay their fees on their own whereas in some areas lawmakers pay their fees so that everyone gets a chance to study .In this ,essay I will briefly explain the merit and demerits of this trend and the positive effects are more than the negatives .
It is true that more and more companies put their interest before the environment these days. Even though it is a serious problem, it can be dealt with by imposing taxes which can be used for the planet.
Truthfulness can work as a spine in any communication.Fact is actually a strong base of any relationship. Due to faithful the risk of misunderstanding can be reduced. I completely agree with this idea. There are two main arguments to give support my stance.
Numerous education facilities in some states, specifically in Europe countries provide a plethora of essential abilities to their learners as a way to assist them to acquire works, while others just focus on giving academic lessons. In order to be prepared, it is required that schools teach practical qualifications to their students. I will detail this notion in the following paragraphs.
It is evident that our world is becoming increasingly interconnected and many foreigners are immigrating to other countries for work. Some people say specialists should stay in countries where they received their training, while others feel professional workers can work everywhere in the world. I personally believe that specialized workers can work anywhere globally, provided they continue learning and expanding their expertise through the Internet.
Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
It is true that for the population of a few regions, the main life goal is to live in their own house instead of in a leased one. There are several reasons why they aim for this, and in my opinion, there are both positive and negative effects.
In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?
In this century, with the growth of technology cyber links are accessible for everyone. Besides, the internet has a major role in new methods of advertising. Moreover, not only people can watch the company's advertisement online but they also access it through watching tv or billboard. In this essay, I will present several reasons for why is this and I would present why this development has lots of positive benefits.
How we eat imposes many effects on our overall health. For this reason, a group of thought says that a vegetarian diet not only can be beneficial for us but also it can have positive impacts on our world. In this essay, I will discuss the reason behind this opinion and I will provide my personal thinking regarding this topic.
Youngsters in industrialized countries have greater levels of overweight than earlier generations because of a sedentary lifestyle. The primary problems this leads to are health and psychological issues, but the most viable solutions are a balanced diet and exercise.
While some individuals prefer to discover new aspects of life such as travelling to new places or tasting new dishes, others are happy with keeping the same routines. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and draw my conclusion.
In this present world, the age of retirement is increasing as time goes by. Hence, the public is focusing on that how they can live after they quit their job permanently. I believe that people who need to be retired from their occupation should save money during their working years to prepare for the rest of life. I can explain this matter from two main perspectives of effectiveness and uncertainty.
Increasing the price of petrol absolutely affects transportation aspects in the world. While some argue that increasing the petrol tariff can reduce traffic and pollution problems, others contend that this phenomenon will not affect both much. This essay will explore both perspective and personal opinions on the matter and also the effective measures to tackle these issues.
Nowadays, as we can notice many weather effects are happening around the world. Every citizen claims that organisations should spend donations within the nation only, but other argues, it should be spent where it is required.
More young society is dropping out of school and can not get a job in many nations. I will elaborate on the effects that this situation caused and investigate how individuals as well as the community can solve the problems.
There are those who think that muscle ability is more pivotal for sports achievement, whereas others consider that mental skill is more essential than physical one . In my opinion, sports players have to equip themselves to succeed, and these capabilities have a close relationship with another one.
Today, thanks to new technology in cyberspace, some office employees are allowed to work from home. This system has led many companies to gain more benefits, and I think this method will become more popular in the future due to the introduction of more developed web systems and facing more transport problems.
There are increasing concerns about young children, who have few opportunities to learn about the value of money and essential skills to handle money today. While some people put emphasis on the importance of these skills and propose that they should be embedded into a part of a school curriculum, others are pessimistic about this view. I personally support the former view for the following reasons.
It is widely believed that to tackle environmental problems, the government should raise the price of fuel used in different means of transport. Personally, I agree with this solution for some reasons.
It’s undeniable that school education can be an extremely powerful thing in human form as a responsible and well-mannered person.There are a number of reasons that confirms that theory, however in some cases literacy can have a negative impact on children rather than on parents, and the following reasons will be enlightened in this essay.
It is not uncommon to see people in modernized regions live by themselves in small apartments. While some believe that the drawbacks of this phenomenon outweigh its advantageous, however, I personally reckon that this is a positive trend for personal development.
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